Where It all began

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The screen starts with a image of a dark street, as the camera pans to a little cottage with the camera zooming in towards a nursery.

The scene changes where the camera is moving around the nursery, then the camera locks on to a woman with red hair rocking a baby in a rocking chair while humming a little melody.

James and Lily froze they will finally know what happen that night. Harry think that the little scene is cute but know that's probably the night his big brother went missing and want to know what happen. While this scene was occurring Albus began sweating a little.

"Hey Honey." James said quietly not wanting to wake his little son up, he was standing in the doorway looking at his wife fondly.

"Hey." Lily respond back somewhat sleepingly still rocking her baby boy.

"You should come to bed or you will fall asleep." James said walking toward Lily, then looking down at his sleeping son.

Lily nod and stand up going toward the crib, putting her son and tucking him in. James put one arm around Lily shoulder smiling happily at his family.

"You know Samuel, you were kinda cute as a baby, what happened?" Ian teased him.

Samuel raised his eyebrow. "What you no longer find me adorable?" Samuel said pouting at Ian making him chuckle.

The scene later at night, a wizard with a familiar purple cloak appeared in the nursery.

When they saw the purple cloak everyone was silent slowly realizing who that person, the one who stole the Potter's older son was in this very hall.

"I'm sorry but you're a threat for the greater good. I cannot allow you to stay here." The purple cloaked man said as he teleported away.

The whole Hall was silent for a few seconds until it exploded with noise.

"ALBUS!" Lily and James shouted withdrawing their wands out ready to hex him.

"Now now I know what it looks like but I had to for the greater good." Albus said.

Him saying this was for the greater good made the Potters angry even more and, some of the Ancient houses getting ready for a duel to put that. While the light side started looking at the people that are standing against Dumbledore in anger.

"Hey! If Dumbledore says it's for the greater good then it is!" Molly said.

The Weasley children looked at their mother with disdain and the patriarchal looked at her with disgust.


Lily's eyes glowed a Avada Kadavra green. On the other side of the room the JP Group looked on in disgust of what that man did.

"I would have let him take them! After all it's for the greater good!" Molly screeched.

The whole hall was silent of the answer Molly said. Arthur looked at Molly and disgust. Arthur stood up and walked towards Molly. Molly thought that Arthur was going to agree but instead he slapped her.

"You disgust me Molly. I Arthur Weasley swear on my magic that I from the House of Weasley disown Molly Weasley from the house and take the name Weasley. Now you are Molly No-name." Arthur said while looking at Molly like she's nothing but a bug.

Silence was the great hall after that whole fiasco. They look back to the screen to continue the movie.

Dumbledore teleported away when the Potter's fell asleep.

The screen then changes where a house (which Lily recognize instantly for that was her sister's house). Dumbledore placed the child outside the door and rang the doorbell then teleported away.

For a moment we see a familiar man with a tan and fully black clothing heading towards the door and picking the child up.

Everyone looks at the figure and looks back towards the JP group to realize that it was Samuel's Adoptive Father.

The man looks at the baby.

"Who in the right mind leaves a baby out here in the cold." The man said.

"The man looks at the casket and beneath all those tattered blankets is a paper with a name.

"Samuel Potter? I think Malcolm is a better name isn't it." The man now known as Malcolm said.

The baby coos while smiling at Ian.

"Samuel Goldblum Malcolm, for you are now a Malcolm." Ian has announced to no one.

Everyone looks at Ian with a really look in their eyes while Ian flushes red in embarrassment.

We soon see Samuel as a baby do a the same smile or trying to imitate that smile. As Ian notices this and tickles Samuel, as Samuel laughs they walk away into the dimly light street.

Everyone sees the moment and feel the bond of a parent and child being together. Lily stands up and walks towards Ian with tears in her eyes as everybody watches.

"I thank you for taking care of our son, even though how much I want to take him, I believe that he'll have a better life with you." Lily said with tears flowing down.

James nods in agreement as the twins wanted to have a life with an older brother but know that he has his own life now.

Ian was struck in confusion as he thought he was going to get in trouble with Samuel's biological family.

"I thank you for having such a great son, and letting me have such a great life." Ian says while Samuel blushed in embarrassment.

"Let's continue the movie!" A boy in the audience said.

Everybody looks towards the screen as it fades into black and shows a logo.


"Let's see what this movie holds" everybody (-Molly) thought as the screen shows a storm.

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