Welcome to Borderland

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"Well shit I'm exhausted" I rubbed my face, "I don't know how much longer I can take the night shift" I rubbed my eyes. I was walking home at the moment

"I swear this hospital is going to work me to the bone" I can't help but talk out loud. It's an annoying habit I picked up over the years

I finally got home. I set my stuff down and took my shoes off before grabbing a microwaveable dinner. I haven't eaten since 8 this morning and it's currently 11pm. Ironic seeing as how I'm a surgeon

Once the microwave beeped I grabbed it and quickly sat down watching whatever was on the tv. As I slowly ate my dinner I thought on how I ended up like this

I sighed and decided to go to bed after changing. Tomorrow I have to head to work around 1pm

"They don't pay me enough for this shit" I groaned into my pillow. Soon after I fell fast asleep, no dream at all

I was able to sleep until 8am until someone knocking on my door woke me up. I jumped up from my sleep putting my hair back. I quickly walked to the door

"Who is it?" I asked rather rude
"It's Kuina" I smiled a little. I opened the door wide for her to come in
"So what brings you here this morning?" I asked. Me and Kuina are friends ever since she visited her mom in the hospital

"Well I'm going to visit my mom later and I wanted to know if you just wanted to walk together" I smiled. Kuina is my only friend. It's hard to make friends when you are on call almost all hours of the day, plus I can be a handful sometimes

"Sure but it's not for a little while" I said looking at my phone clock
"I know but you never have any free time from the hospital until today. I figured you would've gotten a lot of sleep since last night" Kuina knows my schedule as if it were her own

"Alright let me make some coffee and change really quick" she nodded and turned on the tv flipping through the channels

I started to make a pot of coffee and while that was happening I went to my room and looked for a cute outfit. I usually wear regular clothes going into work and change into my scrubs once I get there

 I usually wear regular clothes going into work and change into my scrubs once I get there

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I just picked this outfit out of laziness instead of searching for another

"Man I hate being a 22 year old" I grumbled out loud
"Girl you need to get out more!" Kuina yelled from the other room hearing my comment
"You should take me up on my offer and go to the club with me sometime!" Kuina has offered numerous times but I couldn't find anytime in my schedule to even breathe

"I know, I know!" She can hear the smile in my voice. I walk out and make myself a cup of coffee before grabbing my bag with my scrubs and work shoes

"Alright let's go" Kuina lead the way out onto the street. We passed many strangers and even pushed into a few

"Ugh these damn people are always pushing through, not even saying 'excuse me'. Makes me want to hit them" I rolled my eyes
"You know you're one of the sweetest yet meanest people I know" Kuina noted getting ready to smoke a cigarette. I frowned

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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Alice in borderland; ChishiyaWhere stories live. Discover now