“I’m sorry to surprise you. I’m Teru de Versailles,” introduce him.

“Teru de Versailles,” said Elena slowly, somehow she feels she has heard the name before. Teru walks closer and takes Elena hand.

“And may I know the young lady’s name?”

“Elena, I’m Elena Rutherford,” Teru bows and kisses Elena’s hand.  

“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Elena Rutherford,” Elena blushes. Though it’s not the first time she gets the kind of treatment, but the way Teru’s act and talk make her feels strange. Elena feels Teru is sincere with his words.

“And what does Lady Elena be doing outside? The music has started, it’s the sign to dance,” said Teru. He still smiles.

“I don’t feel to dance,” told Elena.

“Me too,” Teru leans his back at the edge of the balcony.

“I don’t like to dance, furthermore I don’t like party,” Elena surprises to know someone has the same feeling with her.

“Then why are you here?” ask Elena.

“If it isn’t for Kamijo-sama, I don’t want to be here,”

“Kamijo-sama? Who is he?” ask Elena. Teru smiles again. His eyes look up to the sky.

“Kamijo-sama is the one I love the most. Without him, I won’t be here,” Elena can sense how Teru deeply admire the person.

“You seem very fond of him,”

“Yes, I am. I would do anything if it’s for Kamijo-sama. Even to do things I don’t like such as coming to a party,” Teru looks at Elena.

“You’ll understand if you meet Kamijo-sama,” he smiles. At that time suddenly someone come to the balcony. He’s wearing black clothes and a black mask.

“Are you here, Teru-kun?” call Masashi. He surprises to see Teru was with Elena.

“I apologize, I don’t mean to bother,” said Masashi with head bend down. Teru walks to him and taps his shoulder.

“Masashi-san, let me introduce you to Lady Elena Rutherford,” Teru looks to Elena.

“Lady Elena, this is Masashi-san. Our newest family member,” introduce Teru.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Elena,” Masashi bows with respect. Elena replies him.

“Newest family member?” wonders Elena.

“Yes, Masashi-san has just joined our family. And we’re so happy to have him with us,” smiles Teru. Masashi is also smiling. Elena can see how they both caring for each other.  

“Hizaki-chan is looking for you,” told Masashi. Teru’s face suddenly changes.

“Teru-kun,” calls Masashi softly.

“I don’t like to dance in front of people,”

“I understand, but it’s just for this time,” told Masashi.

“It’s not fair, why you don’t get to dance?” Masashi is still smiling. Teru sniffing and turns his look away. He knows the answer. Because Masashi isn’t the young prince of the family, Teru is. Teru takes a sigh and look at Elena.

“Lady Elena, can I ask you a favor?” ask Teru.

“Would you become my pair for the dance?” Elena surprises.

“I know you don’t want to dance, but if I have to, I would do it with someone I know and not some stranger,” said Teru. His voice signs how he really doesn’t like to dance. Masashi is still smiling. He really understands Teru’s feeling, and if he can he would be Teru’s partner for the dance. But, if he does so it would be s very strange view to see. Elena can understands Teru’s feeling, but she also doesn’t want to dance. She’s trying to find excused to refuse Teru. She looks at Teru. He’s still waiting for Elena’s answer. And though he’s wearing a mask, Elena can see how much he wants her to do the favor. Elena finally gives her smile.

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