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Welcome to my book I lived. I hope you love it as much as i loved writing it.

I wrote this book for fun. I love this trope so much, so i thought i'd give it a try and write one myself.

English is not my first language, nor second or third so the grammar is probably going to be bad. And the writing is going to be simple.🙃

Azail might not be a good man, but he has a total soft spot for our girl Mila. You're probably going to dislike him at first, but you'll slowly fall for his character.

Mila on the other hand is a very sweet girl. Her character is innocent and naive. She's never been really exposed the the outside world, so you're gonna have to be patient with her.

Also this is not a mafia romance.
The main character Azail is not in the mafia.

Another reminder. I don't write smut. I'm sorry😅.

All the places, characters, locations, everything,... are all from my imagination.


Mila Williams
- 21 years old -

Azail De Morano - 30 years old -

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Azail De Morano
- 30 years old -

Azail De Morano - 30 years old -

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