'Trainees are assholes,

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Hi this is just a reminder that if you didn't read the chapter above this it will make no sense so yeah
Well whatever, Oh and this will also contain a little bit of  angst and Graves generally hating General Shepherd oh and a little smut, uhhh have a good day or night and that's all I have to say :)

Graves woke up to the annoying sound of someone banging at the door to his office, Graves looked straight at the door and then looked at the time, it was past the time when he had to return some reports to General Shepherd, once he realised that he knew exactly who was at his door, Graves let out a sigh and said it was open

Shepherd came barging in looking at the commander's desk noticing the reports that he was supposed to hand in earlier,
Shepherd snatched the files and looked directly at Graves causing a mass silence until Shepherd spoke

"Graves... these reports were supposed to be handed in earlier, why did I not get them when I was supposed to?" Shepherd said in a voice Graves could recognise,
"Sorry General I must have drifted off to sleep once I finished the reports last night," Graves answered knowing he was still going to get a punishment from Shepherd
"Listen Graves, i do not care about that, I only want my reports handed in on time, got it.... GOT IT," Shepherd shouted
Keeping Graves silent
"I-I ...... Got it," Graves stuttered still scared that Shepherd had to come all this was just to shout at him about reports
"Oh and Graves, your on recruit duty today," Shepherd said slamming the door shut as he exited

Graves leaned back on his chair looking at the time, recruit training is at 1PM and it was currently 11AM so graves had two hours to get himself washed at in different clothes and eat a snack before he trained the recruits,
Graves remember that plan in his head and shot up walking straight for the door,

Graves grabbed his keys and locked the door to his office then started walking over to his actual room, he passed by a group of shadow whispering about the recruits Graves had to train, apparently they were sent here because they were to dumb and violent for the last places they were sent too, that only left shivers down Graves back, but he kept walk towards his room instead of asking more about it,

Up the hallway was a vending machine that contained a variety of different types of drinks and candy, Graves decided to buy a pack of skittles and toxic waste (toxic waste is a candy search it up it you don't believe me) from the vending machines, followed along with a Mountain Dew to cure his thirst and tiredness, Graves walked along the hall to his room finally getting to his door,

Graves pulled out a keycard that only him and shepherd had access to, and opened the door to get to his room,
Graves chucked the snacks on his bed for when he gets out the shower, He then walked over to his bathroom and locked the door behind him.

Graves turned on the shower setting it to a lukewarm temperature, He started undressing himself starting with his
t-Shirt and working his way down until he reached his boxers, he took them off slowly, throwing them in a pile like he did with the rest of his clothes, Graves hopped in the shower and relaxed a bit as the drops of water hit his back,

Graves always thought about his room as a safe place to be, especially when he was in the shower; he had time to just think for himself and not any stupid reports that "General Shepherd" gave him to do, which sometimes led to sleepless nights and even if he missed out one single mark or word in the report Shepherd would be mad and punish him by hitting him or making him clean half the entire Shadow base, half the time that was one of the less harmful punishments,

Graves honestly hated Shepherd with his entire heart but couldn't say anything, Shepherd had lots of leverage over Graves that could put him in a max security prison for the rest of his life... his sad Lonely life,

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