1 : The Best Cardiologist

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So the award for the Best Cardiologist of India in the year 2022 goes to.....


Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, a 27year old successful cardiac surgeon and the MD of Birla Hospital (Mumbai Branch) to whom,his patient matters the most and his top priority. Apart from being a doctor, he's the most handsome and the hottest guy in the town and the dream guy of every women around him or should I say the whole country. But unfortunately or fortunately whatever u say, he's married.


You've heard it right.

He's married.

Dr. Abhimanyu Birla is married to Mrs. Akshara Abhimanyu Birla, the girl which his mother chose for him before her death and it was her last wish to see them together married.

But in this marriage, is there any love ?? Or is it jusy only responsibilities ???

Whatever, now let's go back to the award show.

Dr. Abhimanyu Birla stood up and approached towards the stage to receive the award.

After receiving the award, he thanked everyone including his late mother, his family, patient, interns and but his wife ?? Well, he also thanked her but did he mean it ?? Or was it just in front of the whole world to show that they're same like other married couple.

Flashback [ On their wedding night ] :

"Akshara, i hope you also know why we're here. Its because of my mom last wish and also because of your dad's wish. In front of the whole world, you'll be my wife and I'll be your husband but here in between this four walls, we're nothing. There's nothing in between us. And don't expect anything in return. I can never involve myself in this relationship, neither physically nor mentally. Also... I've.... umm... "

"I know Abhimanyu... I know about Shalini... (shes almost on the edge of crying ) umm... actually I didn't mean to... but that day on our ... I mean fake engagement day, I'd seen u both from my balcony. I didn't mean to I'm sorry it was accide..."

"You don't have to be sorry... Its okay.." (Abhimanyu cut her mid way)

"Akshara you sleep on the bed, I'll be okay on couch.. Good Night "

Abhimanyu went to the washroom to change the clothes leaving broken Akshara behind.

Flashback End

After receiving the award, he got down from the stage and the people started congratulating him by hugging him and shaking their hands with him.

Eventually, he came to sit and his eyes met with his wife. Yes. Akshara, who is sitting beside him as she should because everyone knows they're a couple.


"Thank you." (He nodded and smile)


"Um.. Akshara I think we need to leave now. Its 11:30 and I've some important surgeries tomorrow so I've to study some files so if u say, we'll leave then or you can stay I'll send the driver to pick u up later. "

"No no ill go with you.. waise bhi what would I do here alone ?"

"Okay let's go then"


In the car, both were sitting silently and was avoiding each other's glance. Its been 5months since their marriage but still they're not even in good talking term.

Only the basic talk. Like hi hello Goodnight goodmorning. That's it. They don't even know what and how the other person is.

Suddenly Abhimanyu phone started ringing and as it was connected to cars Bluetooth, he picked up the call and then .....

"Hi Babe, congratulations I knew it... I knew it love... "

Yes. Its Shalini.

Akshara looked away and opened the window and looked outside the window to avoid hearing the love birds convo.

Abhimanyu noticed her and was impromptu. He don't love Akshara but he never intended to hurt her.

"Umm shalu.. we can tal..."

"What shalu ?? Won't you call me Babe??? And where's my kissie?? You promised me if I won the bet you'll..."

"Shalu pls.. I'll call you back.. I'm driving " and he cut the call.

Akshara closed her eyes and the tears which she was holding started flowing down and she couldn't control it. Even though she wanted to ignore their convo but she couldn't. Unwantedly, she heard the entire convo.

"Akshara... um... I'm.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean..."

"Its.. itss oo.. okay.. " (her voice cracked because of the silent crying)

Abhimanyu realised she was crying but didn't say a word as he didn't got the courage so he decided to stay silent.

After 15minutes, they reached their house.

Abhimanyu and Akshara is now staying away from their family in Mumbai because of the Birla hospitals Mumbai branch and also Shalini stay here in Mumbai.

They left Udaipur after 1week of their marriage.

Akshara opened the main door of their penthouse while Abhimanyu was parking the car in the garage.

Akshara straight went to her room and shut the door of her room.

Abhimanyu entered the house and then noticed akshara's room is closed. He thought she must be tired and sad because of the incident that happened in the car but also he thought :

"Akshara knows everything about Shalini.. then why did she reached like this ?? She knows Shalini is also a part of my life which I can never ignore as she's the love of my life and will always be... "

He took a deep breathe and then went to his room, changed into his night cloth and sat on his bed to study the files.

Then his phone rang again.

It's "Shalu ❤️"


"Hi Babe... I'm mad at you.. why did u disconnected the call.. you never did this even if you were driving then why today ?? What is it tell me... "

"Um.. no nothing .. I was disturbed and wanted to focus on driving.. "

"Haww... disturbed ?? Why??? You got the award... and I'm now here.. OK leave it.. now gimme my gift... my kissie.. you remember na ?? "

"Shalu.. i mean baby, its late.. I want to sleep now.. let's talk some other day may be tomorrow.. I'm really tired."

"What ?? No it's not done..."

"Pls na "

Was he really tired??? Or it was something else which didn't let him do it. Um.. let's see. 😉

"Hey shalu baby.. come let's dance na... whom you're talking to at this hour.. let's go... " ( a voice came from shalini's background.)

"Shalini.. who's it ?? Where are u ?? Its almost 1am.. you're still not home ?? " (Abhimanyu asked worried.)

"Um... abhi... woh... Um.. actually... its My friends birthday today. So .... Um... so we came.. I mean all friends of mine came together to give him surprise... umm it was not pre planned.. so Um.. I couldn't inform you.. sorry Babe.. okay bye.. you're tired na.. sleep.. we'll talk tomorrow.. bye.. love you "

And she disconnected the call without giving Abhimanyu a chance to talk.

"Birthday party??? Why it feels like you're lying Shalini??" (Abhimanyu said to himself.)

He took a deep breathe and thought may be he's just overthinking and theres nothing like that which hes thinking.... then he starred at the award which he got this evening and went to sleep removing all the stress from his mind.


Hi guys.
Hope you liked the first chapter.
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Next chapter will be updated soon till then lemme know about u guys feedback.

Sorry in advance for the typos.. 😭

Bye. See u soon.

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