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"Tell me what you were going to tell me on that day??? " - Abhimanyu asked her

"Um.... Abhimanyu......"

She started looking here and there avoiding looking at him.

She don't know how to express her feelings. And now she don't even want to. Abhimanyu still couldn't overcome the situation. Even Akshara still couldn't forget that day.

Still She's having nightmares and waking up suddenly at the middle of the night. If she's going through this, then Abhimanyu must have going through more worse.

That guy saw his love betraying him and also had seen his wife getting assaulted and molested by some goons , even though their relationship isn't like a couple.

It broke him into million of pieces.

"I want to give our relationship a chance Akshara"- abhimanyu's words broke her chain of thoughts and surprised her.

"Don't be surprised.. we're already married. And there's no fault giving this relationship a chance"

"Abhi.... u...."

"Akshara... if u don't want... then we can..."

"No no Abhimanyu.. its not like I don't want.... I do want.... I really want.... I know I agreed to this alliance because of my father but then I want to give this a second chance. After...... after accepting everything.  Even that day I was going to ask you for this..... for me relationship has values and I don't want to ruin...."

"Akshara..... (He gulped and his eyes getting moisty) what are u made of ???. After knowing everything about me, you still were going to ask me to give our relationship a second chance ??? Are u even for real !!"

Tears started flowing from his eyes and he let them flow.


"Let me finish please... (He took a deep breathe and sat on his knees in front of akshara) ... Akshara... I know I was so bad. Worst. I'm sorry for that. I'm really sorry. I..... I've messed up everything.... if I... I'm sorry Akshara.."

He broke down into tears... and kept his head on her lap and cried more.

"Abhi....nothing was your fault.. tumhe kaise pata hoga.... nothing was your fault.. don't blame yourself.. please na."

She caressed his hair and kept her head on his head.

"Utho...." - Akshara helped Abhimanyu got up and made him sat beside her...

"Look at me... Dekho.... look at me.... "

Abhimanyu looked at Akshara and Akshara wiped the tears from his cheek and kissed on that spot on both of his cheek.

Abhimanyu closed his eyes and felt her lips on his cheek.


It felt like heaven.

Abhimanyu looked up at her .

"Abhi.... Jo hona tha ho gaya. We can't blame ourselves. It our in our destiny and we faced it. Don't worry. From today onwards, everything will be fine. We'll make sure of that. And yes. YES. I wanna give our relationship a chance to make it better."

"Really??" - Abhimanyu whispered.

"Yes. Our relationship will be IMPERFECTLY PERFECT. People often says a marital relationship specially should be perfect in every way. But if it's perfect from the day one, then what's the use of the rest journey of the relationship??? No relationship is perfect Abhimanyu. But the two person who is in the relationship should try to make it perfect. And shayed kabhi perfect nahi hoga. But we shouldn't stop trying. So...."

IMPERFECTLY PERFECT Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora