The astrium

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Neither you or Cal spoke to eachother unless it were necessary. You didn't look at eachother either. 

It was terrible. You wished you could've just blocked out your emotions to begin with. You wondered if it could ever go back to normal.


Along the way, you came across a split in the path, both ways appearing to lead upawards to the top.

"We should split up." You spoke, breaking the long-held silence.

BD-1 protested at your statement.

"No, we should stick together." He disagreed.

You rolled your eyes with a sigh, placing your hands on your hips.

"Cal, we need to get that artifact as soon as possible. There's troopers all over this place. What if they find it before we do?"

He opened his mouth to argue, but it closed shortly after.

"Fine. I'll go left, you go right." He instructed. You nodded and turned to head down the path to the right, but Cal stopped you, grabbing hold of your wrist. 

You turned to face him.

"Be careful, Y/n." 

"You too Cal." You smiled. "May the force be with you."

"And with you." He nodded before releasing you and turning to his path.


As you continued to the top, your mind was full of unwanted thoughts. You tried best to block it out, but you couldn't help it.

What you felt towards Cal was highly contradicting to what you believed in. 

You were taught that to succumb to emotions and passion, is to fall onto the path of the dark side.

It made no sense to you. You could never fall to the dark side. You hated the sith, and you hated the empire with all your heart. You would do anything to destroy both. 

Maybe the jedi order was wrong. Maybe attachment won't end up leading you to the dark side. 

Emotions make a person stronger. More able to protect those they care about. More able to defend against the empire.

You had feelings for Cal, and there was no stopping it. You knew he had grown an attachment to you as well. 

If you chose to act on your emotions, and if he did too, it would make the two of you stronger. You'd be able to protect eachother, fight alongside one another, and your chances of making a difference in defeating the empire would go up. 

Your thoughts ceased when your masters voice entered your mind.

'You have a strong heart, Y/n. Don't let it be your downfall.'

You halted for a moment, before brushing the intrusive thought away and continuing forwards.

The next voice that came into your mind was one you did not recognize. It sent chills throughout your body. It was a gutteral, raspy voice that carried the presence of pure evil.

'As long as you live by the jedi order, you will never be able to save the ones you love.' The voice hissed.

You gasped and stumbled backwards, as if a force had pushed you.

Your chest was heaving up and down, your breathing shaky as you attempted to gather your composure. 

What you had just experienced, you did not know. But you now knew that voice would return to taunt you. 

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