Chapter 1

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~~~~~~~~~~~Luke's Perspective~~~~~~~~~~~

        Finally music class. The only subject I ever have been, and will be good at. Well that's not entirely true. Ms. Garcia says I'd actually be good at math if I put in the work.

But I don't, so here we are.

        The music room is so different compared to the rest of the school. It even has a different smell. The rest of the school smells like sweat and who knows what but in here it smells like wood and metal from the instruments, plus what I can only describe as creativity.

It's weird I know.

        But trust me creativity does have a smell. Maybe it's just a musician thing. Also don't get me started on why it smells different because I have no idea. My guess is that most of the kids who play music aren't the most athletic of the bunch. We're mostly just a bunch of twigs who have barely enough muscle to hold up our instruments. I think out of the entire school I'm the only kid who plays football and does music.

        My "friends" would probably make fun of me if I wasn't captain of their football team and if I couldn't seriously shred on the guitar. I say it like that because I don't want them to be my friends, they just are. And I don't mean that in a good way. But if I stopped hanging out with them then they'd think something was up and I'd loose the little bit of freedom I have. They already let me off the hook for not making fun of people and helping them pull pranks. But if I try to stop them even a bit I'm done for. Luckily for me they think it's because I think I'm too above everybody for that. The truth is just the opposite though. I'm not even half as good of a person as the people they make fun of.

        I went to check the time when I got there but I forgot we don't have a clock in the room. Despite the principal telling Mrs. Kreisher to get some kind of way to tell time, she refuses because in her mind "You can't put a time limit on creativity."

        I sat on the back of my assigned chair and scanned the room like I always do before class. Well it's not assigned by the teacher but it's assigned by my friends. I have to sit with the "cool enough people" and stay as far away from the "lame people", as my "friends" called them, or they would figure out, and I couldn't risk that. As I said before, one more slip up and I'm done for.

        Today there were just the usual people here early. Me, Julie ( a girl that my buddies have been trying to get me to ask out), Alex (he's on the baseball team but he only does it because his parents make him, something about making him straight again), Carrie (the most annoying girl on the planet), Nick (Carrie's ex who now has the biggest most obvious crush on Julie, although I don't think she likes him back), Flynn (Julies best friend who's been raising her eyebrows and winking at me all week. I think something might be up), and Reggie.

He's always intrigued me.

        Whenever I'm in class and my eyes wander they always land on him. I don't talk to him though. He's the most picked on, and specifically by my "friends". Maybe that's why he interests me. Because he's the one I see getting picked on most, and coincidentally he's the one who makes me want to stop them most. Whenever people are getting pushed around by them I don't participate but I do watch, not that I want to but it's not super hard either. But with Reggie it's different.

        My thoughts were cut off by the shrill of the bell. Mrs. Kreisher told us all to take our seats as she turned on the lights in the classroom. "Today will be a day quite important to all of you. It could make or break your career in the future. So go and grab your instruments, my young blossoming musicians!" I scrambled out of my seat, not letting my self think about all of this make or break my career stuff. I mean, come on, I'm in high school for gods sake. I sprinted to the other side of the classroom and grabbed my guitar. Well it technically wasn't my guitar, that was at home in my room. But there was an unspoken rule that only I can use this one. It's one of the only perks that come with being captain of the football team. Don't get me wrong, I love my actual guitar, but this one is so much nicer and I've been playing it since 7th grade. Plus I got my actual one at a sketchy garage sale last March, and it still smells like dust. "So my little ducklings, you're going to be writing a song for this class. And, you'll be collaborating with one or two other students. Now go and let the magic of creativity begin!"

        I scanned the room for someone to work with. I didn't have many options. I mean don't get me wrong there are some rad musicians in this class, but my options were limited. All of the "cool enough" people were already grouped up. I was about to ask Mrs. Kreisher if I could work alone when something caught my eye. Well more like someone. Reggie was sitting alone getting out his notebook.

        Without thinking about the consequences I slipped into the chair next to him. "So, what kind of song are we writing?"





Luke sounds so fucking pretentious I canttttttttt. But it does kind of go along with his character so I can't change it but man does it make me want to scratch my eyes out. 

Oh also a little context for this. So I made a joke with one of my friends that Luke and Reggie are fruity and started writing  this for her to be funny. But then I started kind of liking where it was going and I wanted to write more but I was too lazy to switch character names so I kept it. Then I found out the show got canceled and it's just been bothering me for way too long. Also I kind of wanted to pick up writing again and this was the only thing I had a lot already written. I know this is probably not what you'd expect me to write (or what I should be wasting my time on) but it is what it is, I'll probably do some more on brand stuff later lmao.

I'm thinking updates like every week maybe? Idk let me know. Also there will probably be some changes to the title/cover and chapter names if I get around to it.

anyways thanks for reading and let me know if you have any suggestions :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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