"well, i apologise, sangie. i didn't even consider how you'd feel seeing me be affectionate with, not only my boyfriend, but also the father of my child."

the idol pokes his tongue out at her, using his hip to shove her off of him. "rude." she mumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. mingi walks past her with two bowls of cereal in his hands, nodding his head toward the lounge.

she follows close behind him, patting his bum as she goes for no reason whatsoever. she just liked to see it bounce.

she stops when mingi sits down, turning back towards the kitchen. "where are you going?" mingi asks, placing her bowl on the coffee table in front of them.

"i'm just going to get a glass of water." she answers but yunho stops her before she can move.

"sit down. i'll get it for you." yunho pushes his sister back onto the lounge beside mingi before heading to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

the girl rolls her eyes, puffing her cheeks out in annoyance. mingi chuckles, poking her cheek gently, "calm down. he'll get over it soon. just let him get it all out."

"but i'm barely even six months pregnant! i'm cooking up a baby, i didn't lose my legs. besides, how are you so sure that this won't continue even after the baby is born? hm?"

"then i guess you'll have to stick it out until then." the man shrugs.

"that's basically a whole four months away! even then, he'll follow me around for another two months just to make sure i really am fine. at least you understand that i want to be as independent as possible and i only have to spend like three days a week with him."

"you realise that once you reach seven months, i will not let you do anything yourself, don't you?"

she crosses her arms grumpily while her brother places her glass on the coffee table in front of her.

"thanks." she grumbles, looking away from him as he quickly runs his eyes over her body, making sure there was nothing obviously wrong.

"hey, yuna. i was thinking," yunho looks over at his sister, twiddling his thumbs subconsciously.

"did it hurt?" she interrupts.

"shut up," he mumbles, poking her arm softly, "anyways, i was thinking maybe you should live here during your pregnancy rather than mingi living with you."

she looks at him with wide eyes, her brows pulled together slightly.

"i just think it'd be safer than you living alone most of the time," he explains, "see, if mingi moves in with you, you'll be alone for long periods of time with him at different schedules and practices. but, if you lived here instead, you'd probably spend less time completely alone because there'd be a bigger chance of someone being here. we don't always have the same schedules and sometimes a few members leave practice early or leave here late. i just think it'd be better for you to be here where we can all help you out. and it'd be less on mingi as well."

she thinks it over for a moment. she knew he was right and it would probably be better for her physically during the later months of her pregnancy if there could be more people to help her out. plus, if you were to factor in how emotional she is without a baby and how clumsy she is without baby-brain... it just seemed safer for everyone if she lived with them.

"okay," his eyes light up when she agrees, happy she was actually listening to him despite her need for independence, "but, i won't move in until later. maybe seven months."

he nods happily, mingi thanking him for the great idea which apparently neither of the two had bothered to even consider.

they eat their cereal in silence, focusing on whatever drama seonghwa was watching that morning.

yuna didn't have a clue what was going on. sure, she was a full-blooded korean, born and raised in korea but, when it came to korean dramas, she did not understand a single word of her mother tongue and she'd always end up crying because she just couldn't follow along.

so, by the time she was done with her breakfast, tears had begun to well in her eyes and she was desperately fighting them back.

mingi notices her almost pained expression and places a comforting hand on her thigh, "why're you crying?" he asks quietly, yuna shrugging in response. "is it because you don't understand?"

he grins as she nods and flicks his hand away. he then pulls her into his side, kissing her cheek and temple.

"you're so cute." he giggles as she sniffs, quietly mumbling something about how she was embarrassed.

"don't be embarrassed, queen," wooyoung states through a mouthful of food, "i have no idea what's happening either but, i assume they've just realised they love each other."

"see? it's not just you."

"yeah but, it's not that i'm not keeping up its that," she sniffs, pointing at the screen, "i don't even know what the fuck she's talking about right now. like 'saranghae'? the fuck does that even mean? 'jagiya'? what the fuck is that?"

"i love you so much." mingi mumbles against her hair, letting her ramble on about not understanding korean.

"i worry for your child." yunho comments, a sarcastic tone evident in his voice.

"fuck you, you overgrown pea!" he winces as yuna jabs her foot into his side, smiling happily when he looks to seonghwa for help.

"not my child, not my problem."

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