The Love Square

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Uki and Alban were the best of friends, they shared everything with each other, including their deepest secrets and who they had a crush on. Uki had always been in love with Fulgur, and Alban had always been in love with Sonny. The four of them were all in the same friend group, and they spent most of their time together.

One day, Uki started to feel depressed and he didn't know why. His friends didn't notice at first, but Sonny did. He saw how Uki's melancholic aura had been getting worse and he knew he had to do something. He approached Uki and asked him what was wrong, and Uki opened up to him. He told him about his feelings for Fulgur and how he didn't know what to do.

Sonny, feeling sympathetic towards Uki, decided to help him out. He agreed to date Uki, thinking that it would make him happy and take his mind off of Fulgur. Meanwhile, Alban was on his way to confess his feelings to Sonny when he saw Uki and Sonny kissing. He was devastated and thought that Uki had betrayed him by dating his crush behind his back. He hated Uki for what he thought was betrayal.

Uki and Sonny, not wanting to hurt their friends, finally admitted that they were dating. Fulgur, who had always been flirting with Uki, was sad but he understood. He knew that Uki loved someone else and he had to accept it. Alban, on the other hand, wanted revenge. He wanted to hurt Uki for what he thought was betrayal. Fulgur, still in love with Uki, understood but didn't know how to react.

Time passed and Uki and Sonny eventually told them what really happened. They explained how they had only started dating to help Uki through his depression and how they had never meant to hurt anyone. But Alban still hated Uki for not telling him and for dating Sonny instead. Uki kept apologising, but Alban couldn't forgive him.

Fulgur, on the other hand, had come to accept that Uki was in love with someone else. He still loved Uki but knew that they could never be together. Eventually, Uki and Sonny's relationship became serious, and they decided to be together. Fulgur also found someone new, and he was happy.

Alban, who had always had feelings for Sonny, finally confessed to him. To his surprise, Sonny felt the same way. They started dating and eventually became a couple. Over time, Alban also forgave Uki for what happened and they all became friends again. Uki and Fulgur found their way back to each other and became a couple, and the five of them (with Yugo, of course) were once again the best of friends.

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