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Just as I reached Can's dorm room, he slammed the door on me. I gulped.

I knocked on his door and he didn't open. But I didn't give up. I knocked again and waited there. Finally, about 10 minutes later, Can opened the door.

"Can.. Can we please..."

"What should we talk about Kit? How you went dating with Pha? Or how I feel you two look more like a couple than we did? Or how your hands seem to fit so much better with his and you seemed comfortable holding his whilst I had to find an excuse everytime I wanted to hold yours?"

I fell silent. I didn't realize how incompatible we had seemed. I heard Can sigh.

"I do like you alot Kit. And I was wondering if it will translate into love. But I realize that it will never because I had long lost you to Pha. Maybe you never realized it but you have always loved him like how he does. I happened to come in between. Now I need you to tell me honestly what do you want? If you tell me, you want me, I will let go of all of this and try and work on this relationship with you. But if you tell me, you want Pha, I will let you go. But please be honest with me."

I was quiet. I looked at Can, my tears falling down. He nodded his head at me upon hearing my answer.

I went back to my room where Pha was waiting.

"Are you ok Kit? What happened?"

I told Pha on what Can had told me. He kept quiet. Then he finally responded, "Jsut be honest with yourself Kit. If its Can you want, I would gladly let you go. I will always be your friend. But if it's me you want, I am never letting you go. I can't. I wouldn't."

I looked at Pha for the longest before I finally told him what I had told Can. The smile that dawned upon Pha's face was immeasurable. He grabbed me up in a tight hug and held on tightly.

"I love you so much Kit. Be mine, forever."

"I love you Pha. I always have. I finally came back to where I belong, right in your arms."

With this, Mein Liebhaber comes to an end. I hope everyone will enjoy reading this story and please do continue to keep your votes, comments and likes coming in!

Till #lovewinsall :)

Mein Liebhaber; My Lover [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now