According to the Mikukuma file..

The victim got banged on the head repeatedly on the wall.

But how come the victim's room wasn't a mess?


Tsukasa: "It's true that when we saw the dead body.. the room wasn't much of a mess."

Mizuki: "There would at least be some scratches or something broken if the victim was in a struggle."

Saki: "But due to the cause of death.. there's no way the victim wouldn't struggle!"

Mafuyu: "Unless they gave her the sleeping pill like what happened to Ichika"

Shiho: "Not possible, even if they did.. the victim would notice immediately."

Kohane: "Could the culprit originally kill the victim in another room and move the victim body in the victim's room?"

Ichika: "I agree with that!"


Ichika: "I agree with Kohane, the culprit did kill the victim in another room. And i think i know which room..."

The room that the culprit killed Minori was..

- Ichika's Room
- Minori's Room
- None of the above

Ichika: "This is it!"

Ichika: "The cuplrit killed Minori in my room. And moved her body to her room."

Emu: "But how did you know the culprit killed Minori in your room?"

Ichika: "Because when i checked my room keys, i saw some bloodstains on it. The culprit might have stolen my room key when i passed out."

Ena: "But if they moved her body to her room wouldn't there be bloodstain trails on the floor?"

Ichika: "Since the murder happens around 2AM, the culprit would easily dispose evidence."

Airi: "If they can clean up the blood trail why didn't they clean up the rooms?"

Rui: "It's because they wanted to frame Ichika."

Saki: "So the reason why Ichika's room is a mess was because the culprit purposely left it like that to pin the murder on Ichika!"

Shiho: "Hold on a second, how did the culprit lure the victim in Ichika's room in the first place?"

Mafuyu: "The culprit swapped the nameplates, then changed it back."

An: "Well now that we got all of that out of the way, do we know who's the culprit yet?"

Shizuku: "Unfortunately we don't.."

Mizuki: "Well not all of us know who's the culprit."

Ichika: "Not all of us?"

Mizuki: "The only ones who knows who the culprit is the culprit themselves. And an accomplice. And one other."

Wait, did they say *an accomplice and one other*?

Doesn't that mean...

One person was forced to help the culprit while the other just insisted..

I think i know who the accomplice is.

Ichika: "It's you!"

Ichika: "Mizuki... you're the accomplice?"

Mizuki: "...."

Mizuki: "You got me, i'm the accomplice!"

Airi: "You're the what?!"

Mizuki: "I helped the culprit."

Ichika: "But why would you do that-"

Mizuki: "It was all part of my plan, help the culprit and betray them at the end."

Ichika: "Huh?"

Mizuki: "Tho since the dialogues are too short we need to extend this trial a little longer so let's find out the other person who know's the culprit's identity shall we?"

The other person hm...

Mafuyu: "Could you atleast give us some hints on who it is?"

Mizuki: "I guess i can give you one hint."

Mizuki: "They have been silent eversince the murder happened."

Akito: "Could it be Haruka?"

Haruka: "...."

Emu: "Haruka does not seem happy at all! It seems like she's scared!"

Haruka: "...."

Mizuki: "Hey Haruka, mind if i tell them for you?"

Haruka just nodded

Mizuki: "Haruka is traumatized after what she witnessed. She couldn't say a word after that."

It's odd that Mizuki kept changing their tone and emotions. But now's not the time to think about that.

Ichika: "Did the culprit planned to pin the crime on Haruka if their first plan didn't work? Because if she saw the whole murder and stayed quiet she couldn't defend herself for the whole trial right?"

Mizuki: "That's correct!"

Airi: "Hold on a second, if you and Haruka witnessed the murder then why didn't the body discovery announcement played?"

Mizuki: "Because i didn't see the dead body, i was just in front of the door waiting for my cue. I only heard the whole murder."

Ichika: "So once everyone saw me 'dead' you got in the room with Haruka and triggered the body discovery announcement right?"

Mizuki: "Yep!"

Kohane: "I-i'm sorry for disturbing but can you please just tell us who the culprit is?"

Mizuki: "Hey Haruka, do you want me to say it or..?"

Haruka: "...."

Mizuki: "Alright then."

Mizuki: "The culprit of this case is Nene Kusanagi."

Nene: "What?! You're lying! I'm not the culprit!"

Haruka: "..."


She's the culprit?

Ichika: "Nene... Is it really... You..?"




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