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Oikawa POV:
Another day of hell. I don't see why I need to go to school everyday. But then I guess if I didn't I wouldn't see my friends and I wouldn't be able to help my team. I'm always over thinking huh..? I'm probably late by now.. Guess I gotta make an excuse why I wasn't here for morning practice. Oh..Guess I'm already here. Well lets not waste more time than needed. It's really hot today. If only I wasn't like this then I wouldn't wear long sleeves. I made it to my class finally. Fan girls are so persistent but I'm grateful for them. I swear I feel like the teacher is going to yell at me. Let's get it over with. I open the door and smile my signature smile before looking away awkwardly. "Oikawa why are you late? You missed the majority of class."
"Sorry Mr. Shima I..Overslept. It won't happen again."
It's a good thing Matsun and Kyotani are here. "It's fine as long as it's not a recurring thing. You can get everything from Matsukawa and Kyotani."
"Thank you."
I walk over and sit in between Matsun and Kyotani. I should've just waited until after class was over. Good thing I didn't have to stay in that class longer than I had to but sadly Mr. Shima is my favorite teacher.
"Hey Kawa wait up!"
"Oh hey Matsun and Kyo"
"I thought I told you to stop calling me Kyo.." Kyotani may be mean on the outside but he's actually really sweet when you get to know him. Not to mention overprotective.
"Aw your just like a little puppy~"
Matsun shows his emotions various different ways. Sometimes he doesn't show them at all. We can read each other pretty well.
"Now on to more serious things..Kawa.."
"Matsun what do you mean..?"
"Kawa we know that your still doing it.."
"I..I'm sorry.."
It's my fault...They worry like this because of me. They bring me into the infirmary making sure the nurse wasn't there and hug me. They reassure me that it's okay to tell them. I don't want to burden them though.. Before I know it my face is wet. They pull away from the hug to get me some medication, bandages, and tissues.
"When did this happen Kawa..?"
"And why didn't you call us..?!"
"Because I didn't want to burden you guys and have you leave morning practice and have the coach yell at you because of me.."
"Sorry for yelling Kawa but you gotta tell us so this doesn't happen.."
"Yeah..We don't want to see you like how before.."
"I know and I'm sorry you had to see me like that.."
A lot has happened this summer both good and bad.. The good was me and Iwaizumi getting together but Yahaba died...
"How about we skip class?"
"I'm down what about you Kawa?"
"Of course I hate school as is"
We went up to the rooftop and sat near the edge. "So how are you and Iwaizumi?"
"To be honest I don't know..He's fine one moment but the next it's like he hates me.."
"I don't see why you like that asshole.."
"Sorry but Tani is right..He's an ass."
"I know..but..-"
"I know you love him..But if he breaks your heart, I will personally kill him."
"And I will torture him before that.."
"Aw thank you guys.."
It's not the same without Yahaba but we all manage. The only ones who actually know how he died is me, Matsun , and Kyotani. The rest of the team knows he died and came to the funeral but that's all they know. After talking to them for a few hours we decided to go to the after school practice. We walk into the club room and everyone just glares at me. This is pretty much how it is. I don't mind it though because it's my team and I would never tell them off. I normally change when everyone else goes so they don't see my bandages and bruises. I look and see Matsun and Kyotani standing by the door waiting for me. "Let's go Kawa"
"Yeah before we're late and coach screams our head off."
"Yeah right..Let's go!"
We walk into the gym and see everyone is already playing.
"Hey look it's shittykawa"
"Is it just me or has his ass got flatter?"
I should just smile and walk it off.
"We should get practicing.."
"Yeah okay.."
Honestly practice wasn't as bad as normal. There wasn't much people talking about me this time. First day went better than I supposed it did. I hope tomorrow is the same.

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