Where everything begin.. CH. 1.5

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*Knock Knock Knock* "kid, you ok there?.." mk hear pigsy calling him, he felt like his heart stopped, trying to calm down " y.. Yeah! I'm ok pigsy, w.. What's wrong? " mk managed to answer pigsy, tho pigsy didn't believe in any of the kid word "MK, I know something is wrong, come on kiddo, what's wrong? " mk no longer can calm down, can't think of any excuse he can make at that moment, he panic, on one hand he wants to run to pigsy and tell him what's wrong, on the other hand he is afraid of what his friends might think of him or worry about him

Mk: I.. It's NOTHING! really, what's wrong pigsy..?
Pigsy: kid, open the door so I can see your face and confirm that you ok or not myself
Mk: NO! Um- I mean.. I'm really ok pigsy!
Pigsy: kid, I'm not playing around, open the door
Mk: um... No..?
Pigsy: 1..
Pigsy: 2..mk open the damn door, don't make me break down this door
Mk:*take his staff out* I... I can't-
Pigsy: 3! *Broke into the room*
Mk:*before pigsy can get a look at him, mk launch himself out through the window*
Pigsy: !? *look outside mk already gone*

Few minute in the air
Mk landed somewhere far away, kinda familiar, but he really couldn't give a damn about it at the moment, as he sat there thinking about what to do, scared, denying, angry, sad everything mix together making the boy can't think straight, shaking from all the stress, hugging his leg tight when suddenly a familiar voice spoke to him 

Red son: noodle boy!? What are you doing here!?
Mk: RED SON!? *hide a little* w.. What- well-
Red son: aren't you supposed to be with those peasant you called friend
Mk: i- I just um- just need some alone time hahah- wait, what are "you" doing here!
Red son: um- I..i- why do I have to explain why I'm here to you peasant!
Mk: cause I answer your questions? So it's fair for me to ask the same question
Red son: yea, but doesn't mean I have to do the same!
Mk: fair, well whatever
Red son: but, do you have to hide like that? Why are you even hiding?
Red son: uh huh

With the others
"Pigsy, you need to calm down, maybe he just have something urgent to do" tang say looking at the pig man, "I don't know, I just worry about that kid..i know something is wrong, but he wouldn't talk about it.." said pigsy calling everyone to the noodle shop, "pigsy, try to calm yourself down, let the kid tell us himself" tang say holding the pig man hand, slightly blush "still... " before pigsy could say anything "fine, we call the others to help find him if you worry so much about mk, ok" tang said trying to calm the pig man down "yeah.. Thanks tang.. I hope he is ok tho.." pigsy say, then start calling mei and sandy

Back with the two

As red move closer mk start to panic again, hide his tail and horn tho it still noticeable, red take a look at the kid with messy hair oddly covering his head " w.. What?" Voice shaking, red son look at him up and down notice that the noodle boy still in his pajama "what are you doing out here with only pajamas on? " mk just realized he still in his pajamas "um- I.. I forget to change! " "ugh, can't you at least change if you want to go out noodle brain" say red looking at the boy "W.. Well, why do you care about it!" Mk say flustered by red, as red walk a little closer, not paying any attention about his surrounding, "what the- " he trip over a rock and fell on mk

As the two of them on the ground red look up face to face with the poor boy, mk face went a little red and noticed that the redhead face look like just got slap, red son blushing as well awkwardly, but he noticed a horn on the noodle boy head, red break the awkwardness with a question out of his curiosity

Red son: since when you start cosplaying as demon? *as he get up*
Mk:*quickly get up and fix his hair hiding the horn* oh, um- I.. Yeah! I just love to cosplay! *can't calm himself down as he answer the redhead question* it's just a little hobby haha..
Red son:*suddenly touch it the horn kinda impress by how real it look and feel* h.. How did you make it look so- *as try to pull it the horn didn't move*
Mk:*blushing by red sudden action and push red away* don't touch it!- Ehem- I.. I have just so amazing with making this!
Red son:*look at the boy confuse* are you sure?
Red son: wh- no I'm not! *get up* whatever, whose care about it

As the redhead got up and walk away, mk quickly get up, blushing while hiding his horn again and can't help but ask

Mk: so.. Who did that to you?
Red son:*pause for a second then answer the question* it's none of your business noodle boy
Mk: you can talk to me about it, if it's not bothering you
Red son:*felt annoyed by the noodle brain but not in the mood to argue with him* my mother slap me, happy? *as he said that, he realized what he say and felt embarrass*
Mk: What happen?..
Red son: I make a mistake, something that she dislike, so yeah
Mk: oh, sorry to hear that..
Red son: it's ok I think, I guess
Mk: hy, cheer up a little, it's gonna be alright trust me
Red son: whatever
Red son: so what?
Mk: what what?
Red son: what troubling you?
Mk: oh, um nothing!
Red son: you know that we both can tell that's a lie don't you?

Mk pause a second, thinking to himself, still unsure and scared, but he think about it again, hey red son is a demon, maybe he knows about this and can help him maybe?

Mk: so.. Um..
Red son: so?
Mk: you see.. The horn right?
Red son: yea, what about it, don't waste my time and just spill it
Mk: well, it's not a fake horn...
Red son: what? I don't get your joke
Mk: IT'S REAL! *sigh* look *let his tail out as the red boy look shock and stunned by it*
Red son: so all this time you're a demon?..
Mk: I.. I. *cover his face* i don't know... I.. I.. Don't know what is happening to me, the horn the tail the pain, I.. It's all very confusing and hurt.. I really don't know anymore..
Red son:*surprisingly just listen to what the noodle boy say*
Mk: I.. I'm scared to tell the other about it, I.. I don't want to worry them..
Red: well, maybe you should tell them noodle brain, if it's bother you so much just tell them, those peasant are your friend right? Go for it, if they truly your friend they'll help you
Mk: y.. Yeah..i should have tell them..they might be even more worry right now..*hug red unknowingly* thank you red...
Red son:*his hair is on fire while his face red like his hair* w.. Whatever noodle brain AND LET GO OF ME!!
Mk:*realized what his doing and let red go, his face was red* I.. I'm sorry!
Red son: w.. Whatever! *disappear into the fire*

As mk stood there face are still red, he calm himself down and take his staff "I'm an idiot" he said to himself blushing, then he remember what red say, "right.. If I wait any longer.. They might get even more worry.. " he launch himself back to the noodle shop

Pigsy was about to go find mk with mei tang and sandy, as they walk out they saw the boy standing there "KID! " pigsy hug him, mk can't help but hug him back, then the pig man take look at the kid realizing there's a horn on his head and tail on his back "hy guys.. "
Mei was shock but mostly excited "woah mk! Is that a horn!?" Tang on the other hand almost fainted, "woah, mk has a horn? " sandy say confuse like the other, "mk haha.. Surprise? "

To be continue.....

(I just change a little detail in this chapter, since the one before already good in my opinion, but still lacking a lot, so yeah, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! And I'll see you in the next chapter! ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ!)

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