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I opened my eyes to see that I was floating in a vast empty space. There was nothing in here, It was just a long abyss.

It was then that a group of glimmering light circled around my hand and dragged me somewhere.

Another portal shown brightly towards the other side. Looks like that is the way out...

The light was still dancing around me as it settled me infront of the portal.

I gulped and took my hand out to reached towards the blue portal. The next moment I got sucked by it. I maintained my calmness as I was a little bit panicking of the portal sucking me in.

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw trees, It was a forest. Wind gently blew towards my face as if telling me where to go. I followed it and to my sight, I saw Seoul.

I am in Seoul

How nice would it be if it was like this back there...

The wind gently flew through towards the dongho bridge.

Ah, yes that is where everything started. I wouldn't have survived that time if it weren't for 'Ways of Survival'... Still, I couldn't get over the fact that I just left others to die. Aren't I selfish.

I clenched my fist while looking down with regret. If...if I wasn't selfish that time... Would I get a chance to save them?

[4th wall is faintly activating!]

[ K im D ok j a fo c us]

Ah right.

I recollected my thoughts and breathed in and out before making a decision.

We can definitely escape here and probably rent an apartment near Han river...

I should go back now before Yoo Junghyuk gets here.

I walked through the portal and arrived at that black abyss, but this time, It was filled with stars. Millions and hundredths of stars where shining brightly in the black surroundings.

My eyes travelled towards the endless stars and seemed to be looking for something... It feels like those stars are trying to say something with their light flickering and shining.

And a flickering tiny star could be seen from afar caught my eye. I walked (flew??) Towards it and tried to reach it. It gently fell through my hands and landed softly.

I looked at the star on my palm. For some reason, my heart is aching. It hurts. Teardrops were falling from my eyes, I hadn't realized that I was crying... I clutched That star closely to my heart.

I was alone, weeping and floating in this eternal abyss with countless of stars. I crept up to my self, forming a circle while still holding onto the star.

It felt like it was my fate to me alone forever, just like my name. And that alone hurts me alone very much, to think that I will be alone till the end of this life hurts...

I... I don't want to be alone...

My consciousness gradually began to disappear as those countless of stars started surrounding me into circles. It's as if they are asking me to stay just like the Outer Gods.

[4th wall is activating!]

[Do n t d ro wn i n su c h th o ug hts K im D ok ja]

I regained consciousness as the 4th wall was activated and shook my thoughts away.

Then, the light appeared again. I was guided with the light and went to the portal where I came from. I hesitated for a moment and stepped in.


I got transported back to the dungeon and was greeted with hugs by the kids. I hugged them back and looked around to find Yoo Junghyuk. He seems to be nowhere to be found.

But there is something else bothering me... It is the strong aura in the atmosphere.

"Uhm, do you guys know where Yoo Junghyuk went to?" I knelt down to them.

"Well... There was this very threatening aura felt back in the camp so he checked to see if they are alright" Lee Gilyoung said.

Now that I think about it, I that strong aura is coming from that direction. It feels like.... Sung Jinwoo and the Elf aura??

Are they fighting now?? Was I too late??

I should go get them before Jinwoo realize we're gone.

But... I couldn't leave the portal and the kids here...

"Biyoo, close the portal" I said


"Okay kids, listen to me. I want one of you to ride on my back and the other one I will Carry. Okay?" I explained.

They nodded and after everything is prepared, I activated 'Way of the Wind' and 'Electrification' and went on the way back to the camp.

When I got there, the boss elf was attacked by the fire of the shadow mages. It was utterly a great power to be able to have countless amount of soldiers with this power.

I looked at my companions to see their mouth agape, along with Jinwoo's teammates.

Yoo Junghyuk was there too, standing still with his eyes all widen watching all of this unfold.

"We should go." I said.

They were all confused with my declaration. Question marks were written all around their face.

"Kim Dokja where have you been!? You should've seen what that Sung Jinwoo is capable of." Han Sooyoung said with disappointment on her face.

"Pardon me Dokja-ssi, but what do you mean by we should go?" Yoo Sangah said politely.

"I have no time to explain just follow me!" I said as I lead them the way.

The boss is almost dying, we need to get out of here.

They all nodded and followed me.

As we enter the deep into the forest we stopped and took a break for awhile.

"Mind explaining now dokja-ssi?" Jung Heewon huffed.

"So... As you know I have read Ways of Survival as a book right? Well, I got a copy of this world's 'story'. I explained

"Does that mean... You know everything?" Lee Hyunsung asked.

"Not particularly everything, I still haven't read everything yet." I responded.

"It's quite complicated but... Just trust me." I said

"Since when have we ever have lost trust in you bastard?" Han Sooyoung said as she smacked my head.

"Okay enough cheet-chatting, biyoo open the portal" Han Sooyoung ordered.


A blue portal appeared before us.

Biyoo suddenly transformed back as a cute cotton ball and landed on my jacket. She fell right to sleep, she must've been really tired from opening and closing portals.

"Let's go" I said.

We stepped to the portal and unexpectedly, we didn't travel through that dark abyss. We were instead greeted by the soft winds of Seoul.

I can see my companions eyes sparkled with joy and excitement as they saw that Seoul in here was okay. Some of them even formed tears in their eyes out of joy..

We were busy admiring Seoul that we forgot about portal still opened in the back.

A sudden breaking of the branch caught my attention and took out my sword.

My companions also seemed to prepare their powers.

"Come out" I said as I extended my sword near the bushes.

Just then, a little figure came out of the bushes.

Unexpectedly the person that came out of the bushes is someone I dearly know of.

The little figure stared at us with his brown and golden glowing eyes.

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