Ducked behind the books was the utmost adorable baby chick flapping her tiny yellow wings.

"Now Maple, how did you get behind there..?" You questioned the baby duck to which she chirped happily. You held your hand out in front of Maple allowing her to hop in your hand, gently brushing your fingers along her back afterwards. The action made her her snuggle in your hands.

"You found Maple!" Mei came up to you, a huge smile on her face.

"I sure did. Somehow she managed to get onto the bookshelf"

"Can I take her?" She asked, holding out her hands out. You nodded and moved your hand close to Mei's smaller ones, letting Maple hop in her hands. "Thank you!" She then ran off while holding the bird up in her hands "LOOK MRS L/N FOUND MAPLE!"

A bunch of cheers erupted from the small children making you smile.


Ding dong

You stood outside a house in an unfamiliar neighborhood waiting for someone to answer the door. Once the door opened you immediately put a smile on your face.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Hello! Are you perhaps Jamie?"


"Wonderful!" The woman jumped at the sudden volume in your voice. "I'm Y/n L/n! I just stopped by to thank you watching my kids and taking good care of them while I was gone. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them." You stated with a huge, innocent smile.

Jamie blushed a bit from this. "I-it was no problem, they were just the loveliest little angels!" She exclaimed folding her hands within each other.

"Uh-huh.." Your eyebrow twitched. "Well, I made you a gift basket, for all your troubles."

"I promise it wasn't troublesome at all L/n" She took the gift basket you held out for her.

The basket consisted of a few black roses, a card and some freshly baked cookies.

"Enjoy the treats, I have to get home now-"

"Wait- don't you want to come inside and have some tea, or coffee? I know I should've offered earlier-"

"I'm afraid I can't stay. It's getting late and my husbands will be home from work soon" Her mood dampened slightly.

"Oh.. well, thank you for the gift.."

"You're very welcome" You began walking off.

"Um- Good night L/n!"

"Good night~" You waved her off as you got back in your car, immediately driving off.


You hummed to your favorite song while stirring the pot that contained you guys' dinner. As soon as you heard the sound of keys jingling you quickly turned off the stove and went to go greet your husbands.

Once you made it to the door you watch as the two sluggishly took off their outdoor shoes. It was obvious the two were tired.

"Welcome home" You said to both men going to give Izuku a kiss on his cheek then doing the same with Katsuki. "I'll go run you two a hot bath-"

"You don't have to, we'll be alright on our own." Katsuki told you, yawning.

"I know, but I want to. So relax" You assured him, making your way upstairs before he could protest anymore.

Izuku sighed knowing they couldn't argue. Once you have your mind set on something, you'll make sure it gets done your way.

But they also knew you more than the back of their hands. So they knew you were up to something. But it was completely ignored.

Well, that was until Katsuki was about sit down on the couch. He turned back around to look at something to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. But when he confirmed they weren't his eyes widened a bit.

"..What did you do Deku?"

"Augh.. What do you mean?" The male turned his head to look where the other was looking. His body stiffened.

Your Belladonna bush no longer withheld its berries

"I didn't do anything this time- what did you do?"

"I did nothing"

"If you end up dying I'm not telling the police shit-"

"-Same goes for you dipshit"

"I really hope you both don't actually think I'd use a bunch of berries to kill you." Your voice made the two flinch, they didn't even hear you come back downstairs.

You sighed. "I've told you this before. If I really wanted to kill you, I'd do it with my bare hands and not with my plants."

"Haha, we forgot- our mistake!" Izuku smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well your bath is ready. I'll bring your dinner up to you once you're finished bathing." You told them as you begun walking back to the kitchen.

"Uh just to clarify- neither of us are dying.. right?"

"No Katsuki. I picked the berries for someone else"

"Okay, just making sure." He told you, purposely ignoring the last part.

Fun facts:

Both males would rather you tell them before you try to kill them so they don't look like a bitch going down and so they can take it like men.

Your husbands don't care if you ended up killing someone. They most likely deserved it and if they didn't, well.. L bozo

No one ever suspects you of being harmful. (Except Your husbands, Jasmine and your younger brother)

Yo, what's good?

Sorry this chapter is shit. This was somewhat rushed mostly cause I'm working on five other stories at the same time as this and because I want to start writing a valentines day chapter for this book and one of my others.

Also! I wanna do a Q&A for this book
So if you have any questions just comment. Whether it be for me or anyone in this story just say who it's for before asking your questions!


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