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Temporary tattoos; 
my hand under water. 
I'm the one you chose 
when you're looking for laughter. 

Spend the whole weekend 
running 'round your house. 
You're my greatest friend. 
I never had a doubt. 

Wish my life had you again.  
Think I need you more now, 
then I did back then. 

My eyes were leaking; 
you were always the sweetest; 
you rolled down your long sleeves 
and said that you'd fix me. 

I hide in the closet, 
you hide in the attic. 
I'll never come out. 
You'll never come down. 

Wish my life had you again. 
Think I need you more now, 
then I did back then. 

Jumping in oceans,  
to drowning in closure.  
Scary to think we 
learned to live apart. 
I'm not sure what happened. 
Does it still matter? 
I just know that without you, 
I'm falling apart. 

Our childhood has vanished. 
That comfort was ravished. 
And somewhere between it 
you crept out of it. 

Wish my life had you again. 
Think I need you more now, 
then I did back then.  

'Childhood' - 29.01.23.
One of my favourite songs I've ever written. ♡

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