The first night

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Bakugo has been feeling wired. He's missing something, but what? He then know what he is missing. Izuku passes by holding half and half's hand. What is all that about he thought to him self later did he know that curly haired boy would be his at last.
Todoroki-kun....I think its time for us to face the truth. You have eyes for iida dont deni it and I support you all the way. But midoriya todoroki is full if guilt. Besides im in love with kacchan it will be alright trust me. Like that they became only friends it was better that way.
3rd person
Its end of lunch its math class know there learning about parhagriam theorem why dose this exist i don't know but its there this is where mina says since we are out entire next week wana have a party at my house? Everyone agreed even bakugo only because of his nerd going. Midoriya wants to have a good night before him and his mother go out of state to Korea to visit some relatives over seas. This is the perfect night to lay deku down for the first time and it won't be the last
Lets see what should I wear lets go this with a black tangtop a white sweater navy blue ripped jeans and red high top vans my mom got me for Christmas oh I cant forget to charge my phone just in case mom calls me OMG I found the cutest fish nets that cover my whole body ill be putting that on too its going to look so good I might post it on insta but I want it to be a surprise so ill post AFTER I get to the party *he hopes in the shower for a half hour and gets out gets dressed in his pre-made outfit for the party all he needs to do know is do his hair and his make up. He ends up only putting eyeliner and maskera to finish his look and puffed up his hair with no tangles (not that it won't get tangled later)
Lets see if I'm going to impress my deku  what should I wear? Probably nothing to simple and definitely nothing to extravagant. Maybe my t-shirt with our favorite band on it (my head cannon is that deku and bakugo grew up listening to Cavetown Selena girl in red and Youngblood) yeah cavetown should do and my black hoddie and my white air forces ( he looks like the type to wear them) ok ill hop in the shower know
Time skip to the party
Also cliffhanger 🤪

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