Part two: Brutality

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There were two particularly brutal characters in the underground tournament sporting what seems to be amiibo gear. Chaos was an arrogant and insanely talented splash-o-matic main who decides to take all of both Rider and Glove's team at the same time. You'll come to see that round three was a sight that shattered both Rider and Glove's limit to anger.
The tournament organizer had issues with the sheer amount of entries in this tournament and so Chaos offered to fight all of the extra participants at once. Chaos ended up playing this out as a 35 v. 1 matchup. Team gloves and team Rider laughed this off, yet this man was a true threat.
Round three involved chaos absolutely bodying both entire teams so badly that their spinal glands broke. In this universe every inkling and octoling has an extremely flexible spine which can appear to be like goo in many ways. fluids secreted by an inkling or octolings spine is the ink they can use, multiply or manipulate via ink tanks. If their back or spine is damaged too much this can prevent an inkling or octoling from ever using an external ink tank to battle, thus putting them in a state for which they can only produce enough ink to live. Chaos did this to all of his enemies in that match.
Chaos was a different kind of sadist who entered this underground tournament only to cripple everyone's ability to enjoy ranked battles and turf wars. Clip-chan and blazer-kum begged chaos to stop before being shot in the back with a round of anti-ink (this type of ink is used by the robots in the story mode that removes ink overall. This type of ink is highly rare and risks death to the user, deeming it unsafe as well.)
Fresh on the other hand is a playful, yet still devastating octoling to fight. Round four involves Fresh vs. Emperor out of all things. Emperor had extraordinary gun skill and ink presence, but he couldn't manage two huge tasks at once like other characters could. Emperor always seemed like he had the upper hand at turf but in reality he only maintained his status by taking advantage of other players inking spawn and entering his ink less quickly and efficiently. His positioning was immaculate, but this alone doesn't cut it against Fresh.
Fresh is an insanely funny character that gets underestimated constantly. Fresh mains the splatter shot Jr. with which he runs two mains of ink saver sub and one main of swim speed up, enabling the spam of splat bombs and ink armor. His sense of control and displacement is highly overwhelming and destructive.
Round four immediately starts with Emperor jetting to mid with a curling bomb as he meets a blockade of enemy ink. Fresh using the splatter shot Jr. effortlessly paints up a huge chunk of mid before Emperor approaches with one of the fastest movements in the game. Emperor attempts to predict a blindside where Fresh could be hiding and commits to a dodge roll that is met with two splat bombs on each side of him.
Emperor for one of the first times is put into a loser mindset. He couldn't comprehend what was happening because these critical thinking skills were something that was too difficult to use in the heat of battle. Instead of getting his mind together Emperor was hit by an avalanche that this snowballing accrued to. The score ended up as 16-0, baffling all people in the audience.
Unlike Chaos, Fresh battles to have fun by using insanely effective gimmicks. He could care less about shooting anti-ink at Emperor's back. With Emperor spared Gloves felt a wave of relief. Both gloves and Rider were insanely angry at what Chaos has done to their teammates. They absolutely had to get their revenge on Chaos in any way they could.......

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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