He then smiled and plopped onto the couch right next to me. Way too close. 

"What's your deal Kylian?" I asked him, sitting up to stare at his face.

Hopefully I'd come off more intimidating this way. 

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. I was a jerk. And I wanted to ask for your forgiveness." Kylian confessed with sincerity.

But I wasn't buying it. 

"Okay," I nodded, "I accept your apology."

"Bueno! So, can I take you out to dinner one night?" He proposed, a lazy smirk on his face.

Was he serious right now? I'd seen the reports post the World Cup. He was professional, I'll give him that. But on his days without practise or training, he was almost always at a club, bitchy attitude present, front and center. I wasn't about to go out with him just so he could try and bed me. 

Francesca was very right. The World Cup loss did do something to him.

I shook my head, "No Kylian. I don't think a relationship or dating is what you need right now." 

His face went blank. No emotions. Until he raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you think you know what's good for me?" The words rolled off his tongue as he shot me a challenging look.

"I don't. But I know well enough that this is not the time to rekindle something that isn't even here anymore." I mumbled with disdain, gesturing between us. 

"Ah. Cause you know all about me right? You know my birthday, my best friend, my first club. You know that all right?" He taunted.

In truth, I did not know any of that. It wasn't what I was getting at.

"Kylian. That's not what I'm saying I'm tryi..." I was cut off by him. 

"Then what is it. What are you trying to get at." He seethed, his voice icy. 

I sighed, "I've seen the reports Kylian. I've been told. How you've been after losing. I don't think that we should start something up right now."

"I've been on top of my game since Qatar. What the fuck are you on about?" His voice was laced with venom. 

He was scaring me, I couldn't lie. But I kind of sort of provoked him.

"No no. You've always been on top of your game, you know that. I mean outside of football." 

Kylian shot me the most confusing look. Before realisation set in on what I said. 

Okay so I didn't actually mean it what I said. But I did. I had let the intrusive thoughts take over. However, now I feared Kylian interpreted it as something way worse than what I initially had intended.

"I didn't picture you to be the type who takes tabloid gossip seriously." Kylian glared at me. 

I started to apologise. I knew what I said wasn't right.

"Listen Kylian I didn't mean to sa—" I began before being cut off once again. 

"You know you're far from perfect too." Kylian started. 

I raised my eyebrow at him. What did he know?

"Oh please Kylian. Do enlighten me!" 

He shot me a wicked look, "You think I don't have anything on you. You think I couldn't possibly have anything bad on you because you're an angel right? Maybe you forgot everything you told me about yourself in the summer because you were sleep deprived. I wasn't though. I remember it all." 

Yeah right. He was clearly playing with me. Kylian came closer to me, so that he was almost whispering in my ear. 

"Out of your whole fucking life story you gave me in the summer, only one thing sticks out. Sad little privileged girl can't go to her dream school because she's not good enough and is robbing her parents with an expensive as hell tuition. So she runs away to europe to escape all of her problems. Because that's all privileged people know how to do. Run away when the going gets tough." 

He did not. 

"You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about." I started breathing very heavily. 

"Avoiding the truth. Typical. Tell me when Mexico goes to kick USA's ass do you run away then too?" He snarled.

"Oh of course you'd know don't you? Scores a hat trick in the World Cup final and still couldn't win the World Cup while Messi carried his fucking team on his back." I shot back. 

Hurt flashed through his eyes. Kylian stood up abruptly, gathering his things. Hand on the door knob. Before leaving he looked at me. 

"You're the biggest bitch I've ever met."

this is the start of enemies to lovers! now, they're enemies;)

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this is the start of enemies to lovers! now, they're enemies;)

thank uuu for bearing w me! remember to comment and vote 💓

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