Chapter II: A Different kind of Smart

Start from the beginning

"I know what you all have said, and I don't mean to go back on your word. I-I'm sorry..." Ezekiel felt so guilty, his heart ached at how he didn't let anyone know til they came. "I-I just thought I'd be alright considering you all have lives and n-need to stay on track." Raymond would right hook Ezekiel in the jaw, enough for a good bruise.

"Don't play idiot with me. We all agreed no matter what you did that you could call us anytime. Just like how you allow us to come to you. Don't be some fool, nor a prideful idiot or even think you are too much." His voice was louder, but not yelling. Stern, but only to be firm. He was the oldest of the group, but they all knew how gentle and firm he could be in his words. He spoke it and meant it. It's how he was. Ezekiel would only nod, rubbing his chin as he stood firm once more. Raymond sure was a fighter, just that punch alone could've broken someone's jaw if enough power was given. The caluses on his knuckles made the punch feel even more painful somehow.

"Understood. Thanks, Raymond..." Raymond would immediately cheer up, adorning a smirk. He would pat Ezekiel on the back as he turned to leave.

"Don't mention it." Raymond would stand before the door, looking over his shoulder to Ezekiel. "And don't beat yourself up. We all make mistakes. Just rely on those whom care for you as much as you do for them." Ezekiel would nod, Raymond thudding the door twice with his fist before leaving. Silence would envelope the room, only the sigh of Ezekiel's lips as he looked to the ceiling. Yet my mistakes always feel far worse and more weighted...

"You know, you shouldn't allow your emotions to make you overthink. Nor ovethink in the first place, nerd." Ezekiel would turn to Ezena's robotic form, hearing her words around him before he jerked.

"What are you calling me, eh? An overthinking four-eyed statue?" His statement was sassy because of hers, he even acted like a young 15 year old on an anime episode.

"Maybe, just gotta get you the glasses to match that retort." Ezekiel would scoff, putting a hand to his chest dramatically before laughing softly. Ezena knew how to lighten the mood with him, guess she knew him too well. He felt exceptionally grateful that she could lighten his tense mind.

"May I ask, how..." His throat got caught on the words to say. Hell, he didn't exactly know what he was asking. He wanted to understand what could be causing it, the reason he over thought all the time. He understood he was fast paced, talked faster than people could listen, walked, moved, and worked faster subconsciously. "How do I fix the negativity? Why do I feel like I don't amount to nothing much?"

Ezena, even an AI, would stiffen in her image on the wall. She saw the doubt in his eyes, she saw how uncomfortable he was in asking for such an answer. His question was to the ultimate end: what was wrong with him? She knew there was nothing wrong with him, her, or anyone in the world that was caring and kind. Everyone was flawed, even she was. She was portrayed to have the full spectrum of human emotions, and she was more machine with coded programming.

Upon the moments of silence that would pass by, Ezena would think on her words carefully. She could think faster than him by millions of nanoseconds. When she felt like she could even give him an answer, she'd clear her AI images throat, "I believe your answer would be along the lines of that you are just undermining how successful your accomplishments are. You don't accept the full value, feeling like you could've done more where you did the best you could. Not many can learn it quick enough to feel proper, but know you do the right thing almost all the time. Whether it's quick adaptation or slow caution. You don't credit yourself."

These words almost felt like the appropriate answer, yet also like they were already said. Ezekiel would nod, looking to her with a soft smile. He would close the door to his bunker, he needed to keep anyone out of sight from knowing that this was here. He had to stay hidden, it kept him and Ezena safe. It was the refuge for his family, for his squad.

---3rd POV - Ash's View---
---Surface - 8:07 AM---

Ash had been staking out for a long time. It was her turn to keep watch on the streets. She was resting, having spent two hours combing around in the jeep to see if she could spot her the Guardian wandering around. She was somewhat tired, her eyes were already burning from how much she kept focusing. I will find you, and you will spill everything you know. These were some if not a few similar thoughts in her head. She knew she was in the right region of wherever he was hiding, but she still had no idea whic train. They had been doing this for a couple of days now, each member swapping to try and get fortunate at finding him.

As she rested her eyes in the jeep before a train station on Duncannon Street, she would watch two individuals come from the underground. All of them seemed off, as though they had come directly from the underground from somewhere. Their demeanor, posture, how they held themselves, it all read like the came from somewhere not many had the previlige of. Ash would immediately exit her vehicle. Today may be her lucky day. She would follow one of the individuals, a female, to a hospital. Right before she could enter the building, Ash would come up and put a firm hand to her neck, "Follow me, I've got a few questions for you."

The young lady tensed up, feeling the firm yet tight grip Ash put upon her neck. She didn't know who she was, but she could feel Ash being a threat to Ezekiel immediately. She was now about to meet Ezekiel's enemies.

-------End of Chapter-------

2553 Words! It feels nice writing this and experimenting. Didn't rewrite anything here or there, just driving it was unique. I hope this is likeable and not some repeat of someone else's idea. I've just read enough and played Rainbow Six siege to where I wanted to do my story now. I hope you all enjoy, so please stay blessed and safe! Enjoy this chapter and I hope it's title lives up to what I gave, stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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