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« Woaaagh! Why I'm so ugly?  »

Hanako sighed. Her best friend, Yashiro, was curled up on the couch, flooding her living room.  Well, it wasn't the first time, it happened quite regularly too.  And this was the problem that concerned Hanako.

« No, Yashiro, you're not ugly at all!  You are indeed very pretty!  »

« Then why was I still rejected during my declaration?  This is the seventh time Minamoto-Senpai has pushed me away for my radish legs… »

Hanako looked at her friend apologetically.
She once again confessed a crush on her crush and once again she had a stake.
The young man got up and walked towards the kitchen.
He returned moments later with a tray containing two steaming mugs filled with hot chocolate and marshmallows, strawberry daifuku* and a small pink bag in his hands.
He placed the tray on the coffee table in the living room, sat next to Yashiro on the sofa.

« You have to fall in love with people who deserve you and who don't make fun of your looks!!  »

So he grabbed the envelope and showed it to her.

« I found it on the doormat when I entered.  I took a look and it seems to be for you »

Yashiro opened the envelope and found a purple bowler hat with three small golden bells attached.
The girl dried her tears a bit and inspected it carefully, finding an inscription.

«  what is that??  »Then she passed it on to her best friend.

« It's Japanese but I've never seen this kanji... »

« Strange… you said she was standing outside the front door, right??  And who is it from?  »

While Amane was trying to understand, Nene was staring at him.
She took a sip of hot chocolate before speaking.

« Tell me, Hanako... Do you think I'd be alone for the rest of my life?  Nobody wants me after all »

« Of course not, » she exclaimed, « I'm sure you'll find someone who will love you like you deserve.  »

«  You are very sweet !  Fools who put the opposite into your head don't deserve you to listen to them!  »

The girl turned to her friend, her eyes shining, then she gave him a big smile.

« Hm!  You are probably right!  It's talk!  They will regret treating me like an old sock!  »

« And this will teach you to fall in love with decent people~ »

Hanako, laughing, narrowly avoided a pillow hit.
« Anyway, » he continued more seriously
« know that I will always be there for you, Yashiro.  Will never leave you.  »

Nene blushed slightly at those words, then looked away.
« Ahah. » He Then he leaned his head against Amane's shoulder as they enjoyed their ice cream.
After a few minutes, Yashiro spoke again.

«  Thank you.  »

« About what ?  »

« Thank you for always being there for me.  You are the best friend, bigger than anything I could dream of.  »

Friend. The boy's heart sank in his chest upon hearing this word.  He was just a simple friend.  He already knew though, to tell him like this, after his insinuations from him... he hurt.  Holding back tears, he hugged the one he's loved for so many years for a little comfort.
Really, these guys he came out to didn't understand their luck.  Because no one would have known what Hanako would have given to be in their place, and to be more than just a friend in Yashiro's eyes.

 Oɳҽ-Sԋσƚ's Cσʅʅҽƈƚισɳ| TႦHƙ ITA & ENGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz