2. Living-Dead girl

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Friday I walked home from school, alone. I ran into the house. "Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice?!" Before I could say his name a third time his hand was on my mouth.

"Don't say it again!"

"But why?" I tilted my head.

"Just don't do it, kid. You don't want me to go away, do you?" He said sadly.

"No. But won't the people there miss you? If you're always here, then you're never there."

"Kid you're confusing me and yourself." He said putting his hand on my head.

I huffed before stomping my foot. "What I meant was don't you miss your home?"

"Nah, kid."

"Oh. Hey, Look!" I jumped and tried to shove the paper in his face.

"Hold still so I can read it Damm ya!" He held my arm still and read the paper I was holding out. It was a letter that said I was recommended to skip a grade. "Damn, kid. Smarter than I thought." He praised me and ruffled my hair. "Your mom is gonna be real proud."

"If I can skip a grade then I'll be the youngest in my class. What if my classmates hate me?" My thoughts turned dark and my eyes glowed briefly before I blinked them back. "Will you still walk me to school and back?"

"Always kid."

That comforted me greatly and the idea suddenly wasn't so scary.

I was tested the next day and my scores were more than expected. I was able to graduate from kindergarten and right to second grade. My classmates were all 6 and 7 years old. Some babied me, some were downright mean, and some were indifferent.

I was walking by my old Kindergarten on the way home from my elementary school. Beetlejuice couldn't walk me home today so I was alone.

I heard yelling and looked up from the cracked sidewalk to see my old classmates beating up another kid. I ran to help but was also used as a punching bag. The original target was able to get away at least. Lucky them.

"Think your better than us because you skipped a grade! You're a stupid Head!" one boy kicked me and I fell scrapping my hands and knees. I really wished Beetlejuice was here.

Another began to pull my hair and spit on me. I pushed him away from me and tried to get up. I was kicked again and I grabbed their leg and pushed it back making that person fall.

Where are the teachers?

I got up clumsily and tried to run again. I got farther this time but I was also closer to the road.

"Get back here!"

They were closing in and I really had nowhere to run. They caught up and one grabbed me by my elementary school uniform. He punched me in the face and it was clumsy but it did the job and hurt a lot. I tried to kick him back. He got angry and pushed me into the road.

I didn't hear the car horn. I didn't hear the squealing tires as the car tried to swerve away. I didn't hear anything.

I was falling backward again.

Why do I always fall backward?

Is it because unconsciously I want the last thing I ever see to be the sky?

I didn't hear anything until I felt the pain. My head jerked left and my arm bent too far. Something was pressing tightly on my chest. I couldn't feel my right leg. I rolled on the asphalt a couple of times. Rocks biting into my skin like hungry ants.

I blinked away the drowsiness and when I blinked again. There was a fuzzy form, hovering over me and holding my head. I could faintly hear hissing like a snake. It was comforting even if it was threats.

The more I blinked, the clearer the image became. Sludge green hair, toxic violent eyes, the tongue was new though. His tongue peeked out his mouth as he hissed threats and insults at some unseen person.

"Bee—Beetlejuice?" Just breathing hurt, but talking hurt worse.

Beetlejuice turned towards me and began to fuss. He looks so worried. Doesn't he know?

He picked me up and cradled me like I was something priceless. The shift made something move and I felt a pop before something wet began to fill my lungs.

I coughed harshly and fell back. I couldn't raise my hand to cover my mouth.

Beetlejuice shifted me so I was sitting up in his arms with my head over his shoulder. I kept coughing hoping it would stop the feeling of drowning.

As I coughed, blood flew out my mouth like a fine mist. It soon made a wet patch on Beetlejuice's suit. I felt a twinge of guilt knowing I was ruining his suit.

He patted my back. "It's fine kid. You're more important. We're almost home. Just hold on a little longer. Alright?"

He had to use his free hand to open the door. My blood on his hands, then my blood on the door knob. I didn't want mother to be worried.

Beetlejuice set me in the bathtub in the bathroom. He started pacing up and down the small space around me. He was muttering to himself while running his hands through his hair.

He doesn't know?

"Beetlejuice?" I asked unsurely and then coughed violently.

He turned his head so quickly I feared he would have whiplash. He kneeled beside the tub looking like a wounded animal.

With my one good arm, I grabbed his hand and held it. "I will be back." The blood was filling my lungs faster than I could get it out. I was going to drown in my own blood. This would be my third death.

It was not bloodless like the first. It will not be quick like the second.

This will be long and uncomfortable. I think if I could choose I would arguably prefer my first two deaths in contrast to this one.

It took so long. Beetlejuice was agitated and panicked as he told me to hold on and that mother would be home soon.

My body shook and convulsed as oxygen was denied to it. My eyes closed and when they opened again it was Beetlejuice holding my hand still sitting in the same spot. But his eyes were distant, vacant, and cold.

I rolled my arm to see it back in place. I could wiggle the toes of my leg. I did have to remind myself to breathe. And that's what brought Beetlejuice out of his trance.

"Hello again, I'm back," I said monotonously.

Beetlejuice startled before picking me up and examining me. "You're...you're alive."

I looked down sadly and began to fiddle with my hands. "I thought you knew already. I'm sorry for causing you such worry." I inhaled and let out a small sigh. "I can't die, and when I do, I come back. The more I die the shorter time it takes for regeneration. I've died three times. The second time you showed up after that. Mother just assumed you were part of my quirk. I really really thought you knew." I blinked and he was gone.

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