Chapter 2: Wave Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Barry yells "Good luck, bro."

Kara says "I gotta go, too. I need to put a set list together and restring my guitar. Here. Bye." and hands her drink to Barry and leaves.

Barry walks to the table and says "Nothing like spreading the love." Then his wrist comm beeps.

He sits down at the computer and says "Yeah, Doc, you got Barry."

Tommy says over comms "Can you meet me out at the end of Riverside Road in an hour?"

Barry says "Yeah, sure, what's up?"

Tommy says "Just be there, and I'll fill you in."

Barry gets up to leave.

At tryouts

Oliver was playing soccer and he kicked the play into the net scoring a point.

Then he started to move the play around with his foot trying to keep it away from the player in front of him.

He twirled around one player and then kicked the ball and it was knocked back to him as the guard was on the ground.

Oliver did a backflip and kicked the pull midair and it went into the net.

The coach asks "Who is that kid?"

A player gets up and says "That's Oliver Queen, the kid billionaire, of Robert Queen. He's still in High School. He plays on the local club team."

The coach says "Mm-hmm."

With Barry and Tommy

Tommy and Barry had gotten to the location he talked about.

Tommy says "After the island exploded, some of my experiments were scattered all throughout this area."

He saw eggs and said, "There..."

Barry asks "What are they?"

Tommy says "Eggs."

Barry says "Oh, it's cool, Doctor. I just had lunch a couple hours ago."

Tommy chuckles and says "No, we're not going to eat 'em. We're gonna hatch 'em. Then you're going to ride 'em."

Barry was confused and said, "Maybe it's all this quiet out here that's got me hearing things, but I thought you just said we're gonna ride these."

Tommy says "I did. Trust me, Barry, when these things are ready, they're going to be a big help to us."

Barry says "All right, whatever you say."

They pick them up and Tommy says "Careful." as he puts them in a backpack.

Then they heard something and looked up.

Barry asks "You saw that, right?"

Tommy says "We have to protect the eggs, no matter what."

Barry asks "Who'd want to hurt them?"

Then a voice says "I would."

They turned to see Elsa.

Then Zeltrax comes out from behind the tree and says "And I. I'm starting to have my doubts about your intelligence, Dr. Oliver."

Barry yelled, "Hey!" and grabbed the Tyrannodrone by the arms as it tried to grab the bag.

Zeltrax yells "Attack!"

Barry got the hand off the bag and punched the drone and Tommy kicked it back.

More Tyrannodrones came in to fight them and they started to fight them.

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