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Just woke up and already doubting life,

i saw that none of them is awake yet so I got up to go outside to find food just to be useful for once

After getting some food i just decided to just go back in the furniture section and just get some weapons later

Finally back with the food,

i immediately started to cook since I really didn't like the food yesterday

Just after you finish cooking kurube suddenly said

"that smells good"

"then get up and wake up the others to eat"

"yes mam" kurube replied

"I'm going to a game arena later any of you want to go with me?.."

"why are joining another one we have 3 days in our visa" shibuki spoke up

kurube then said "I'll go with you i heard about this place called beach they said you need good cards to be there"

"beach huh maybe it's some type of cult, I'll go if kurube is going" Arisu then spoke

"so it's me kurube,Arisu. Shibuki and Chota stays"

"Well what card did you play yesterday mine was 7 of spades"

"ours was 3 of clubs I'm thinking that the number is the difficulty and the symbol is a category"

Arisu's reply was telling me that we were thinking the same thing

"spades means its a physical game base on how they allow the players to kill the seeker"

Arisu then said "i guess club is about teamwork base on what happened there"

What could the other two be

just when I was about to think deeply about it kurube suddenly got up and said

" we don't have time to think about all of that will eventually find out about it later when playing the games"

"his right you three should get ready to play the games" Chota calmly said

"We should go to stores to look for weapons just in case we need them"

"let's go then" said by kurube

After awhile you three found some good looking weapons and now started to look for game arena's

After walking for a while we finally found one as soon as I pass the lasers I took a phone and did the face recognition
The two dudes did the same thing then the woman in the speaker said

"the game will commence in 3 minutes and 30 second"

I started to look around and found 2 highschool girls, 1 old woman, a woman that looks like she's in her 20s ,2 mascular men, two men that looks like newbies and a blonde dude wearing a white hoodie

He kinda looked familiar

I stepped backwards to have a better view of him

i didn't believe who he was

suddenly the woman in the speaker talks again saying

The game will now begin

Difficulty: 5 of spades

Game name: tag

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