•19• Keep on, without him •19•

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I put a hand on his shoulder, but he just groaned in annoyance and walked forwards.

"Well we don’t have time for RED GRASS or… I-ILLUSIONS!"
He told the others.
"Belos had a head start, so we should keep moving until we find him!"

I was stunned.
I can't say I wasn't hurt by the gesture.
Maybe he just needs some space...?
I'm sure he doesn't mean to burst out on anyone like that, or ignore me.

"Don’t worry! I bet we’ll all feel better when we punch Belos RIGHT through the face. And yes, I mean THROUGH the face."
Willow remarked.
I smiled.
She's right.

I quickened my pace to have Hunter in my line of sight. I can't have anything happen to him, not on my watch.

He stared at the boiling Isles in slight surprise. When I looked down, I saw it-
Everything was shiny and glittery, as if we were living in a kindergartener's painting.

The only familiarity was the titan's skull in the distance. There was some building hovering above it, almost like a princess crown for the titan.

Camila was surprised that the skull is the normal thing between all the cute-sy glittery fever dream world.

"Let's find somewhere to rest. We've just fought Belos, after all."
Luz offered.

"We need someplace safe, away from public eye where we could sneak to."
Amity noted.

"Who knows what kind of nightmares are going around here."
Camila shivered.

"I know a way!"
I exclaimed, leading us through a familiar path in the woods.

"You know, Camila, I sneaked through here for my first mission in the emperor's coven. I saved, like, eight survivors out of these forests."
I quietly retold as we walked.

"The one with... what's his name... Hooty?"
Hunter suddenly spoke up.
I smiled.

"Oh, the owl tube you drew on the door back home, right?"
Camila remembered.

"You should've seen it! She bursted into the throne room with Steve and Steve after saving the previous coven head Lilith, and four other Steves then returned to-"
Hunter started rambling, for the first time in a long time.

"All of them were Steve...?"
Camila was confused.

"We all called each other Steve, yes.
It's much easier for everyone. I was a Steve myself before I was promoted to be Hun's right-hand."

Recalling the good times was nice.
Although, as fun as the memories were, we can't ignore the fact that we were manipulated by a terrible person that entire time.

"Oh, oh, and Hooty made a tea party with big dresses with them!"
We all started laughing, but Hunter's happiness drained away when another bird chirp was heard.

...I hate mornings.

His grief stuck to us, too, and we couldn't laugh anymore.
We continued walking in silence, sometimes having quiet conversations.

When we arrived, the owl house was almost unrecognisable.
It was dark, cold and empty.
Nothing like the warm and cozy place where I earned Eda's and King's trust.

There was graffiti painted all over the walls. Ugh... Steves...

Hunter didn't go in with us.
I rested for a couple minutes as Camila tried to explore the place.
I found a rock. Having nothing better to do, I sharpened it.

"Oh, Willow. Hey."

"Hi Y/n. How are you feeling?"
She asked.

"Better, in fact, almost healed thank you."

"Great! So, I think it's time to remove it..."
She offered. I nodded. As I reached to use my rock, Willow already started on casting a spell.

I squirmed when the plant tightened instead of loosing up.
"S-SORRY! I didn't mean it, I-I-"

"It's fine, really."
I assured her, cutting the plant off myself.
"I'll go check with Hun. Thanks again."

"A-Alrighty then..."
Willow sighed, staring at her hands.

I walked outside. Hunter was pacing back and forth, restless this entire time.

Willow's and Gus's palisman seemed to be following him around in circles.
"STOP FOLLOWING ME! Belos could be anywhere by now, and we’re just- SITTING HERE!"
He snapped at the animals.

Something was heard from the forest, perhaps a forest animal. Hunter hulted a spread his arms to summon a staff.
A staff he doesn't have anymore.

I put a hand on his shoulder.
"This doesn't look good..."

"B-But, Belos! And we are doing nothing!"

"Hunter, I can't stand aside and watch you fall apart like that!"
I argued back.
"You are stressing and snapping over every little thing. You worry us.
You worry me."

He touched his heart where his feathery friend rested at it's last moments.
"I... I didn't realize..."
He got hit by the realisation that he was acting off, since...
Tears prickled in his eyes. He wiped them away.

"It's okay to cry, Hun. You've been trying to keep this in for too long."
I insisted, hugging his arm.
"Tell me... How are you feeling?"

Hunter took long breaths just like Gus taught him.

"I feel like... I feel like stuff's going about in my brain but I can't catch a single thought. I feel like time isn't moving properly. I feel... I feel sad, Y/n. I-I'm sad..."
His voice broke.

"It's okay, I'm here..."
I hugged him.

"I-I didn't mean to shout or snap or h-hurt anyone! I'm just so stressed, a-and... I miss Flap, I miss him so much..."
He let a few tears slip out.
"I'm scared to lose everything I have and love..."

I embraced him closely until he calmed down.

I don't know if it's my place to say this, but... he gives off a different aura. I'm sure it's something to do with Flapjack. Perhaps the palisman recognised it in him...

"I am so lucky yo have you..."
Hunter smiled a sad smile.
"I would've left a weak jerk like me."

I scoffed.
"Everyone has their ups and downs.
As long as you don't stay too much down, there's no reason for anyone to leave you."

I intertwined out fingers together.

"I'll try to remember that."
He nodded.
"I'll be a better boyfriend, I promise."

Suddenly, before I could say anything else, a weird star sped through the sky.
"What the-"

He exclaimed.
Everyone else ran out to us, confused.
"They were on that shooting star!"

"How are we supposed to follow them?"
Camila asked.

"Don’t worry,"
Amity said as everyone summoned their palisman staffs.
"I'm a safe flyer."

Camila was shocked.

Hunter's hand twitched. He wanted to summon Flapjack so badly...
I squeezed his hand.

I looked around. We were too many.
If every staff can handle two people...
"Don't worry, guys. I'll stay behind and-"

"I'm- WE are not going anywhere without you!"
Hunter insisted.

"We don't have time for this, our friends are in trouble!"
I insisted, too.

"Guys, guys! Don't worry."
Willow got in between us.
"My palisman's been training with me. They can carry us three easily."

"Oh. Alright. Thanks."
I smiled awkwardly as Hunter cleared his throat.

Luz got on with Gus, Amity helped Camila onto her palisman and I got behind Willow, Hunter after me.

He held onto me as if in any second now I might disappear into thin air.

And off we flew...

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ