A Shepherd's Hunt

Depuis le début

Somewhere a certain guy with a goatee that has a food truck selling hot dogs who gets angry when someone says that a hotdog is a sandwich sneezed.

A guy with blue hair with purple highlights looked at him, "Are you okay, Kolter? Is it a cold?"

"Ah nah, bud. Someone is probably talking about me." said Kolter as the guy with blue hair shrugged as they looked at the computer.

"Has he answered the email? Soulburner, I mean." said the blue-haired boy as he looked at Kolter.

"No, he hasn't done it yet, but we must be patient about it." Kolter looked at the blue-haired boy with a smile as he then looked at the computer and leaned on his chair, "I am just confused why he hasn't responded yet."

"Maybe it's because of your username." said the blue-haired boy.

"What's wrong with my username?" asked Kolter as he looked at the younger male.

"What's right with Daddy Long Legs?" said the blue-haired boy. "Seriously, I am actually confused why you have named yourself that. I can give you three good reasons why that username would creep anyone out," he said as he raised his hand and his index finger, "One: The username will make you look lik-"

"Alright, alright, I get it. I have to change something different." said Kolter as he thought of something different and he had a lightbulb on his head, "How about Ho-"


"You didn't even let me finish."

"Was it about hot dogs?"

"...lucky guess."

Back to Theodore, Seigen, Kiku and Flame, they were currently in the classroom while it was break. They did enjoy the outside, but today, it was because Seigen wanted to make another upgrade on their duel disks and for Theodore to rest on the table.

Their last upgrade was something interesting yet very simple. There was a small microphone in their duel disks so it could record voices and anyone could speak to it, a small speaker so they could hear from what was going on in their situation and if they need help, and to top it all off, there was a small device inside of the duel disks so they could record all of what was happening in any given moment and it could be viewed from anywhere they want and to whomever they wanted, didn't matter if it was to Seigen or to the entire world, it will work and send it to whoever they wanted.

In simple words so Seigen could explain it to Theodore better, he built a microphone and speaker so they could communicate with each other through long distances and a camera which the silver-red haired boy nodded once he realized what he meant by that.

Seigen took Theodore's, which had Flame in his eyeball form and closed so no one could tell it is him who is Soulburner, Kiku's and his duel disk and started to work on them. What was it actually? He won't tell them since he wanted to keep that a secret. Kiku decided to get some fresh water, and then return a couple of minutes later as she took her phone and decided to talk to her friends that weren't an AI program, a dingus that doesn't know she has a crush on him, and vice verse for her side, and a guy that smells like energy drinks. Theodore decided to take out his deck and looked over his old cards with his new Salamangreat cards and see how he could make it his own style.

Those old cards being that of something like Graceful Charity, Final Offguard, Negate Attack, Draining Shield and the works. He decided to put in a Impenetrable Attack since he thought it can save his monsters, with some draw cards so he could make them work even better.

They really enjoyed this silence and that let them have some freedom and some peace and quiet from the basically war that they were a part of against the Knights Of Hanoi, with a surprising enemy of SOL Tech when they sent Gore after Soulburner, but thankfully he won that duel.

Bring The Heat, Soulburner!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant