Working for hours straight, he stopped only once. It was for dinner. He set his laptop aside three hours later. He was dozing off. Soon he was in a deep sleep. While Thyme was asleep, Gory was having her first lesson. It was basic liberal art courses. The last lesson was the hardest for her. How could she possibly learn two languages simultaneously? Unknown to him, Gorya had checked on him at a quarter past 10, right before she retired for the night. She thought he would get a sore back from sleeping on the couch. But she also knew he was getting less rest these days.

Suddenly, he was back that night. He could feel the rain soaking his hair and clothes. The night he yelled at Gorya, telling her to leave, to get out. To this night, he could remember how tightly he gripped the gate. As she walked away and he turned his back on her, he could feel his hands shaking. He couldn't understand why. His next vision took place a year later when he was on his private jet, leaving New York City. There was turbulence. The flashes of the same, annoying girl we're back in his head. There were too many visions! He gripped his head in pain. Finally, as the plane settled. He cast his face up. He remembered her. Gorya Thitara Jundee. He started breaking down as he recalled her tearful eyes as she pleaded with him to return to her. And what did he say? He called her a loser. G*D, how he taunted her when she only told him the truth. "Girlfriend? Is this how you look at someone you love?" He asked her, the all familar sinister smile formed on his lips. He couldn't care less that he was the cause of her Anguish and Misery. He wanted to get to Thailand quickly now! Even if she never spoke to him again, it wouldn't be anything he didn't deserve! Even if he saw she had moved on, he needed to see her, apologize on his knees if she wished, telling her he never made it up. He was still so in love with her. He would continue to be in love with her all the days of his life! He hoped she didn't have a new guy in her life. Even if it took him years to make amends, he would do whatever she wanted long as she would forgive and return to him.

Ren was the other F4 member that was close with Gorya. He would know where she was! Sending him a text message, asking him where Gorya was, and how she was doing. Ren quickly replied back. 'Thyme,' He began to read Ren's message. 'Gorya was in an accident a year ago. It was the same night you forced her to leave your place.' Thyme wouldn't stop reading Ren's texts. Why hasn't he told him where Gorya was? Ren continued to write to his best friend. 'I don't know what happened,' Ren stated. But Thyme knew. When he reverted back to his true self, Gorya left with a broken heart. 'But she didn't take the bus back to her neighborhood.' Thyme felt nausea as trepidation crept up upon him as he continued to read. 'You need to know there was a drunk driver. He was going too fast, and the car hit her head on.' Thyme felt new tears running down his face with the news. 'Thyme, she didn't make it.' Ren finally told him. 'I was with her when she died.' As Ren told him Gorya was killed, he threw his phone across the Jet, smashing it instantly. He was banging his fist against the armrest, his tears flowing freely down his cheeks. Over and over again. I'm sorry, Gorya. I'm so sorry. I love you. Thyme mourned for her loss, cheated out of the great life, and children she would have given him. If not Gorya, there wouldn't be another woman worthy enough for him. And now she was dead! All because of his Mother's deceit and his amnesia which caused Gorya to leave with a broken heart. I will love you until my dying breath, Gorya.

When the jet had landed, Ren had met him at the airport. Thyme knew the moment he saw Ren he knew his friend had told him the truth. Thyme marched down the steps to the Jet, embracing him. Ren had been with her, she didn't leave this world alone. When they were face to face, He saw Ren tear up. "Thyme," He began. Thyme always knew Ren loved Gorya as much as he did. "Do you want to join me? I'm going to visit Gorya's grave today."

Thyme awoke with a jolt, his body shaking profusely. He sat up. The dream rocked him to his core. He tried to calm his heart, he felt tears merging from his eyes. He glanced down at his wristwatch. It was a little after 11 PM. He promptly removed his gray and white Mock Neck Sweat Jacket. He climbed the staircase to go to his room, passing by the room Tia had given Gorya. He saw the light was on underneath the door. After that dream, he needed to check on her. He knocked and opened the door. He saw Gorya was studying on the window seat, he took in what she wore. Pink Silk Pajamas. She looked gorgeous! He took one glance at her, he could see she was absolutely exhausted and frustrated. It was only her first day. He moved into the room swiftly, closing the door. Gorya stood up when she saw him. He pulled her towards him cupping her back and embracing her tightly. Gorya attempted to pull away from him but he wouldn't release her. He allowed himself to lower his head to her shoulder, and he silently wept. Gorya felt the crook of her neck saturated. She didn't understand why he was so upset. When he finally calm down somewhat, he let her go. Thyme's eyes lock on Gorya's. Gorya cupped Thyme's face in her hands. She moved her hands up, brushing her fingertips under his eyes, ending the remaining tears at once. "Are you okay, Thyme?" She asked. Thyme gave her a smirk. "I am now. I love you, Gorya." He responded before dipping his head, capturing her lips with his own. Desperately. As she backed away from him, she added, "You can tell me."

Was that a dream or was it an alternate reality? Honesty, it didn't matter. It was a dimension where he didn't chase after her. In other words, by making her stop, he saved her life. That scared the hell out of him! All he wanted to do was keep her safe. She was his life! Didn't he tell her once before? It was after he found out thieves were around her neighborhood. He was logical in worrying about her and Glakao. "Can't you see how much I care?" He had asked her. His eyes gave way to vulnerability. He remembered how Gorya stared up at him, a guilty expression was written on her face. He had to tell her everything. "I know that you want to deal with things on your own and don't involve others." He remembered he could stop himself from voicing his thoughts and concern for her. "But if anything happened to you and I wasn't there to help, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." After all, when Thyme Akira Paramaanantra pledged to his girl, he meant it. Always.

All that mattered was he started remembering his girl when he held their necklace. It started with pieces of his recollection. The memories just poured back with each passing second he spent with her. All in quick flashes. When she asked him to place Shooting Star Necklace around her neck. When she told him she loved him.

He made a conscious decision to go after her. "I'll tell you tomorrow, Gorya." He whispered to her as he cupped Gorya's face with his shaking hands. Gorya smiled at him, "Okay." She replied, nodding her head. Gorya couldn't imagine what scared him. Thyme sighed as he buried his face in her neck again, taking in her scent. "Gorya," He whispered, "I need you to do me a favor just for tonight." He said softly, pulling away while both his arms rested on her shoulders. Gorya stared at him as she waited for him to continue. "I need you to sleep with me." Gorya was shocked but when he made eye contact, she knew he didn't mean it in a perverted way. "Just for tonight, okay?" He asked again. Gorya glanced up at him. "Okay."

Gorya couldn't believe only minutes later she was beside Thyme on his bed. She was grateful he decided to have a shirt on while he slept. When suddenly she was in his arms, her head resting on his chest over his heart. He grasped Gorya tightly as if he was terrified she would disappear. "Thank You, Gorya. I love you." He told her before his hand rested on top of her arm. Gorya moved her head slightly, watching in complete devotion as he drifted off to sleep. "Go to sleep, you jerk." She whispered softly, lifting her hand to feel his hair, and caressing it gently, teasing him.

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