Texting and Tinkering

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Chapter 1:

Tony POV:

"No stop signs, Speed limit, Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel, Gonna spin it, Nobody's gonna mess me around
Hey satan, Payin' my dues, Playin' in a rockin' band
Hey mumma, Look at me, I'm on the way to the promised land"

"I'm on the highway to hell
Highway to hell
I'm on the highway to-"

"Boss", Fri says, happily ruining my peace. "Ms Potts has asked me to remind you about your meeting with the board in 30 minutes".

What? Meeting? Wasn't that supposed to be on Wednesday?

"She also told me to tell you that yes, it is Wednesday, and yes you have been in the lab for 3 days straight".

"Ugh" I roll my eyes, that woman is far too well aware for her own good, and more pressingly, mine. It's always "meeting this, meeting that", I love her but damn, she can just be so frustrating- "Friday, tell her I'm busy".

"Boss, are you sure you want me to tell her that? You remember what happened last time".

*sighs* "Fine, just, tell her I'll be there as soon as I can" I respond, hoping that will at least appease her... and I can just excuse being late — or hopefully missing the whole meeting — on being caught up on work.

As the perfection that is AC/DC continues to play, I get back to my work, tools on each hand, sweat and oil marking my face, Dum-E somewhere in the lab with the fire extinguisher ready to douse me like the insufferable piece of scrap he is the little shit when suddenly.


What the? Hopefully it's just the one and I can get back to wor-

*Buzz* *Buzz*

"... Maybe Thats it-"


"FRI! Who the hell is spamming my phone!", I growl in frustration. I swear if this is that BirdBrain's new idea for a prank he'll be sleeping on the roof for a week.

"Sir, I'm not sure, it appears to be an unknown phone number". A wrong number? Is she serious? I don't get wrong numbered. "Fri, trace the number and get me everything about them. Oh, and make me my coffee".

"On it boss".

"Alright, let's see what the hell is going on", I think as I clean my hands and face, making my way over to the in-lab kitchen for my revitalising cup of life as I take out my phone from my back pocket, and open my (yes my) messaging app.

Peter POV: 80 minutes ago.

"No No No No No No Nooo- ahh dammit!" I frustratingly whine looking down at my semi-fried phone. "Again?". That's the 3rd time I break my phone this month! Oh, well, good a time as any to install some of those prototypes Ned and I have been working on, like our custom auto-encrypting GPS receiver and upgraded NAND flash (internal memory). Oh! And I can also install our upgraded operating system and anti-hacking software, that way if I take my phone with me as Spider-Man, or leave it webbed in my bag no one will be able to find anything suspicious.

It may be an old Starkphone 4, but May got it for my birthday, and it's the best she could afford. So I'm definitely keeping it, and fixing it as much as I need.

*35 minutes later*

There we are, set up and ready to go. I just hope that it didn't rese-... t all my information. Well, I guess I know what I'm doing the rest of tonight instead of homework. But before I do, might as well tell Ned, he's gonna want to look over my phone tomorrow and we can brainstorm new tech to add. So Let me just pull out the messaging app, input his number and...

A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now