honest - rei brown

Start from the beginning

"Shirogane clan..."

Fuck! He bit his tongue down and his knuckles turned white because he was clenching them so hard that his hands trembled. That dreaded mission. He thought it was over, that would be it. He thought he was going to die, but then his guardian angel came to the rescue. That should end with a happy ending, like any other fairytale. She annihilated everything with those two dragons of hers, the ones that came from practically nothing. It should've ended there. She finished his bedtime story already. The book should have closed. He went through hell, and now he was about to be dragged back.

"There's a survivor, and he has placed a target on... Akira Hatake..." Tenzo braced himself for impact because he knew well that it will enrage his old captain. Kakashi may have a cool demeanour, but that only means he shouldn't be angered because who knows what will happen. When silence still lingered, he went on, "We believe that he had family ties with the one who captured and... tortured... Kakashi-senpai during that mission. The purpose of targeting her is revenge. Akira was the one who killed the capturer, and he probably saw it happen. Megumi was the one Akira killed, and his brother, Rizo, is the one seeking revenge."

Rizo Shirogane. He drilled that name into his brain.

"He seeks her crystals-"

"To create an army of indestructible puppets!" Tenzo was taking too slow, so Kakashi finished it for him. "What's your strategy, Tenzo? What's your plan? What other intel do you have? Is he going to sneak in the village? Are you planning to assign someone from your team to keep watch of Akira?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi rolled his eyes discreetly, but he still let Kakashi continue. Once an Anbu captain, always an Anbu captain. It won't go away that easily.

"Will she be escorted for every mission? Is it safer for her to stay in the village? Should she be informed?" He wanted to see what Tenzo will suggest, even if he had already planned out a whole series of strategies. Always ten steps ahead.

Tenzo wondered why Kakashi was still not facing him. Does his old captain hate him? Is it because of this? Does Kakashi blame him for this? During the last mission, all he focused on was getting Kakashi out before it was too late. Had he missed? Did he fail his captain? And now his mistake is coming back to nip him in the bum? Kakashi left him in charge for a reason. So he picked the little pride he had left and strapped them on. "Kakashi-senpai, please rest assured. I will make sure of her safety. We will assassinate the target. I take full responsibility."

Kakashi finally turned on his heels to face him. Behind his mask and forehead protector, you could see the anger. His expression was cold and his eyelid sank as he shoot daggers at Tenzo. The pace at his chest was rising and falling was slow, a little too slow. This man was red to the top. One wrong move and he will explode. Who dares threaten his wife? Who dares place a target on her back? Rizo Shirogane... Rizo Shirogane...

His eyes widened when he saw the blazing inferno that was engulfing Kakashi in all its glory. Kakashi looked like he was about to murder someone. He remembered when his senior stayed back so he and Akira could escape. He saw this look in Kakashi's eyes right before he sealed the exit. That look told him how far Kakashi will go for her. His mask thankfully covered his frowning lips. Kakashi was the better captain. It's a shame that he retired from the institution. He straightened his back and cleared his throat, "Telling her is your choice, senpai. The team will leave for the Land of Wind to search for Rizo and eliminate him. We do not suspect that he will infiltrate this village, but I still assigned a surveillance corps to keep watch around the gates. Akira will be constantly guarded and your place of residence will be protected by our barrier."

"Tenzo..." He murmured with a low voice, now crossing his arms over his chest. His eye squinted at his old comrade with steam coming out of his ears. How could this happen? It should've been over a long time ago. He didn't want to be mad at his old buddy, but his vision was already blurred by the rage.

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