Bible's eyes widen in surprise as he then tried to push Jeff off but failed miserably. Despite Jeff's pretty face,he wasn't weak at all. He felt Jeff insert his tongue and deepening the kiss. Bible's will started to crumble as he closed his eyes and slowly kissed Jeff back. He had to admit,Jeff was a damn good kisser. Definitely different from how Build kissed. Bible laid Jeff onto his bed this time,he took one look at the older and captured his lips once more.

Jeff's hands found their way onto Bible's shirt and within seconds found it's way onto the floor. Bible locked Jeff's ears,eliciting a moan from the other as Jeff caressed Bible's back,encouraging him to go on. Bible kissed Jeff's lips one more time before he started trailing kisses down Jeff's neck and down to his chest.

"Zzzzzzzz" Bible heard a sound.

He looked up and saw that Jeff had simply fallen back asleep. Bible,instead of getting annoyed just chuckled. His senior was indeed cute. What in the world just happened? Bible cupped the other's face with his hands and smiled.

"To answer your question.. you are hotter than Build. No doubt about it"Bible said as he leaned in and kissed Jeff's cheek.

He sighed, but was actually relieved things didn't continue. Because he knew that he cannot cross that line with Jeff. He knows that the Jeff doesn't think of him that way. There is no way that the Jeff Satur would be attracted to him that way at all. He decided to just keep this all from the other,he didn't want things to be awkward between them since he actually likes spending time with Jeff.

He got Jeff some pajamas and slipped them on him. He lifted Jeff's head and put a pillow underneath it. He pulled the covers on Jeff and made sure that he was comfortable. Once everything was in order, Bible raised his hand and brushed his thumb on Jeff's cheek playfully.

"Good night,Jeff. Sweet dreams"Bible whispered.

He slowly got up,got his keys and slowly made his way to the parking lot and drove off home himself.

*Fast forward 10 am in the morning*

Jeff slowly opened his eyes  but was greeted a hangover. His head was pounding,his stomach growling loudly due to the lack of in the morning. He looked down and saw that he was wearing pajamas and was at the comfort of his own home.

'Damn! What happened last night?'he asked himself.

He took his phone out and saw a text for P'Chai regard his schedule for next week. He proceeded to ask how he got home last night.


Who brought me home?


N'Bible did. You were so wasted
last night. Good thing he drove
you home.


You should thank him, he
cleaned and changed you
as well


Is that so?I'll do that.
Thanks P'Chai.


No problem at all.
See you in Monday.

Jeff felt slightly embarrassed at the idea that he let him junior take care of him,not the other way around. He was super conscious of his image and reputation that he doesn't let his guard down easily nor show people that kinda side of him. He located Bible's name on his contacts and proceeded to call him.

"Hello?" Bible answered.

"Hey. Good morning"Jeff greeted.

"Good morning Jeff"Bible replied,surprising Jeff a bit since he was used to hearing Bible called him P' almost every time.

"About last night,thank you for taking care of me and sorry if I was a pain. I promise that won't happen again"Jeff said.

"No worries Jeff, you were so fun and cute last night"Bible replied,making Jeff blush.

'Cute?Did he really just call me cute? I think I need to clean my ears'Jeff thought.

"D-Did I do anything weird last night?"Jeff asked.

There was a slight pause from the question before Bible answered with a short "no". To which,Jeff raised his eyebrows and was now internally battling inside himself the hundreds of scenarios which could have taken place last night.

"Jeff,stop stressing. Nothing happened, I just cleaned you up,changed you and left after"Bible lied.

"I see. Thank you again for making sure I got home safely"Jeff said.

"If you're really grateful then have a meal with me later?"Bible asked.

"Is that all?Sure. No problem"Jeff replied.

"Cool. I'll pick you up by 12. See you in a bit then?"Bible asked.

"Yeah. See you"Jeff replied before they finally ended the call.

He slowly got up,got his towel and slowly made his way to the bathroom. He put the towel on the rack and slowly went pass the mirror. He almost missed it,he had to take a double look. There, just a bit underneath his clavicle was a dark circle. He took a good look at it before turning pale.

'Is that a freaking hickey?'he panicked mentally.


A/N: Chapter 2 done. Enjoy reading! Please continue to read and support my works. Love yah all!

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