As we stood there, processing the shocking discovery, the reality of our situation became even clearer. The Mountain Men were not just adversaries; they were a formidable enemy capable of unspeakable acts. The transformation of Lincoln into a Reaper was a stark reminder of what we were fighting against and the lengths we would need to go to protect our people and fight back against Mount Weather's cruel manipulations. In that moment, our resolve was tested, but it also solidified. We knew that we had to take action, not just for Lincoln, but for all those who were at the mercy of Mount Weather. The path ahead was fraught with danger and moral dilemmas, but we were determined to face it together, united in our purpose and our commitment to each other.

The atmosphere inside the drop ship was heavy with shock and disbelief. Clarke's gasp, "Oh, my god. I can't believe we're back here," echoed the sentiments we all felt. The drop ship, once a symbol of our arrival and hope, now stood as a grim reminder of the harsh realities we faced.

Octavia's desperation was palpable as she turned to Clarke, her voice laced with urgency and hope. "Can you help him?" she asked, more pleaded, her eyes fixed on Clarke, searching for a glimmer of hope.

Clarke's response, "I don't know," was filled with uncertainty and frustration. "I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers, but I had no idea that they were creating them," she added, her words heavy with the realization of the extent of Mount Weather's atrocities.

The thought that lingered in all our minds was spoken aloud by me, "If they can do that to Lincoln, what are they doing to our friends?" The fear for our friends' safety and well-being was a constant undercurrent in our thoughts.

As we focused on Lincoln, his condition worsened. "He's convulsing," Clarke observed, her medical training kicking in as she assessed his condition.

Octavia's question, "Okay, what does that mean?" was filled with fear and confusion. She was looking for answers, for any sign that Lincoln could be saved.

Clarke's inquiry about Lincoln's leg brought a painful admission from Octavia. "I shot him," she sighed, her voice heavy with guilt. The decision to shoot Lincoln, though made under desperate circumstances, was clearly weighing on her.

Bellamy's observation, "He's lost a lot of blood," added to the urgency of the situation. Every second counted, and Lincoln's life hung in the balance.

Clarke's request for me to shine a light on Lincoln's neck was met with a startling discovery. As I focused the light, Clarke examined the area closely. "Needle marks," she noted, her voice tinged with both shock and understanding.

The realization that Lincoln had been drugged was a disturbing one. "You think they were drugging him," I said, piecing together the information.

"Maybe," Clarke replied, her voice strained. The idea that the Mountain Men were using drugs to control and transform people into Reapers was a horrifying prospect. It suggested a level of cruelty and manipulation that was beyond anything we had anticipated.

As we stood around Lincoln, trying to figure out the best course of action, the gravity of our situation was clear. Lincoln's condition was not just a medical emergency; it was a stark reminder of the enemy we were up against. Our friends inside Mount Weather were in grave danger, and we needed to act fast to save them. The mission had taken on a new level of urgency, and our resolve to confront Mount Weather and rescue our people was stronger than ever.

The interior of the drop ship was a scene of chaos and desperation. Lincoln's transformation into a Reaper had endowed him with a frightening level of strength and aggression. The metal chains that had been restraining him, once seemingly secure, were no match for his newfound ferocity. With a guttural roar, he wrenched free, the chains clanging against the metal walls as they broke loose. Clarke, the closest to Lincoln at that moment, became his unintended target. Her eyes widened in shock and fear as Lincoln, driven by the drug-induced rage of a Reaper, lunged towards her. Octavia's cry, "Lincoln!" was a desperate attempt to reach whatever humanity might have remained in him, but it was lost in the frenzy.

Against All Odds (Silent Moments Series: Book 2)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara