Chapter 12- the first day of school

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School has started up again since he had to pass it to get to school Bokuto stopped by Akaashi's house to walk with him.

Akaashi left his house at his usual time being greeted by Bokuto.

"Morning Keiji!"

"Morning Kōtarō"

"I thought we could walk to school together!"

"Sure- but could we not tell anyone about us just while we get used to being together."

"Oh, sure! If that's what you are comfortable with!"

"Thank you"

"It's okay Aka- Keiji!"

Akaashi smiled softly at Bokuto, he walked next to the boy having his arms around his folder which has held close to his chest. Bokuto smiled turning to face Akaashi seeing he didn't have any bandages, not fully thinking about what he was saying.

"Keiji, you don't have any bandages on?"

Akaashi looked down avoiding eye contact, he didn't want to say but even though there was no physical sign of it, his mental health was rapidly deteriorating. He didn't really have anyone to talk to about it sure he had Bokuto, but he hated talking to friends and whenever he tried to talk to his parents he always got told 'everyone had a bit of that' so he gave up. He taught himself to hide his pain and just drown in work to forget the pain and then be earning Academic Validation.

He didn't want to say anything to worry Bokuto so said the easiest thing to get the boy to not worry which just so happened to be "No they've mostly healed now"?

"Oh, sorry I shouldn't have- you probably didn't want to talk about it but That's great they've nearly fully healed! I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you Kōtarō."

"Your welcome Keiji! Wait how are you with pet names?"

"As long as it's only between us then I'm fine with it until we tell everyone".


Bokuto continued to walk, steadying his pace once so he could hold Akaashi's hand for a bit. He let the boy pull away when the two saw the school in the distance. Bokuto smiled at Akaashi before charging forward a little more, the younger boy of the two walking a little faster in order to keep up.

The two got into the school gates and walked to the canteen area to hang out for a bit before their lessons started. As always Bokuto would ramble on with stories, he noticed Akaashi place his head on the table and his eyes shutting then him forcing them open again but still being half closer.

"Sorry am I boring you?" Bokuto looked down at his hands again fiddling with them.

Akaashi sighed feeling guilty reaching one hand out from under his head and placed a hand over the boy in front of him. "No Kōtarō you're not. Sorry I'm just really tired and your voice is soothing so it was making me sleep as I felt safe."

"Oh okay! Shall we get you those wake-up drinks?"

"Wake up drink? Do you mean coffee?"

"Yup! I just call it a wake-up drink cuz most people use it to wake up".

"I see, I think that's a good name for it."

"It is! I should name things like this as my job!"

Akaashi nodded a small smile on his face in agreement. Bokuto got up and grabbed Akaashi's hand leading him into the area to buy food. The two stopped by the coffee machine while Akaashi made a drink and went off to pay for it before sitting back down at their table.

The rest of the team started to join them, so Bokuto nodded at Akaashi and the two started to pretend they weren't dating as to not be caught, just until Akaashi was ready for people to know.

Lessons had officially started and the group all parted ways, Bokuto stood for a little longer with Akaashi wanting to say a proper goodbye as boyfriends, he saw Akaashi had already started to head off. Although the two had said their goodbyes Bokuto still wanted to say another one. The two had started dating yet it didn't feel like it at the moment, both boys wanted to take their time with it. Both of them knew it was going to take a while to get used to being together officially, it was going to take for them to fully feel like a couple.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now