3 the day after

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Mikes pov-

"Goodmor.." wait where's will. "MOM" "NANCY" "WAAAAAAAA" ugh I hate this family. "Mike what's wrong?" Nancy is so mean in the morning "where's will?" She better knows where he is. "He's at home." Huh. " what why?" Did he throw up or something. " Mike.." "yeah?" "Will told me that you were asleep already and that I had to talk to you." Wait does she knows. "Oh no, that's not needed." I smiled at her. " oh okay fine." After this she left . I gotta make myself ready for school.

*time skip*

When I saw the party I walked up to them. Wait why is will blushing at me. "Nahw little Will is a tomato." I said. He just started blushing more. " no I'm not!" Will is so funny. I wanna kiss him. Wait no I can't kiss a boy that's gross. I'm not a fag right? "How was your sleepover." Dustin asked us. "It was great!" Will told them. I just nodded. Of course we didn't like it but we can't tell them they'll get sad. The bell rang so we had to get to class. History. The teacher placed me next to will yesterday. So that was nice. I'm sadly our bully is also in this class. Troy, I hate him. He's probably just jealous.

"Hey James look, there is the fairy Will." I'm gonna kill him. "Ugh shut up Troy." I said. "No thank you frog face." Seriously if it wasn't illegal I would kill him. Sadly it's illegal. "Do you already have a boyfriend fairy." I'm seriously gonna kill him tomorrow. Will just ran out of history. Maybe I should go after him but they'll think we're dating and we aren't. Maybe I should ask Lucas to go. Oh shit the teacher is gonna explain some stupid stuff again.

Wills pov-

Why did I run away. Now Troy will only bully me more. I'm so stupid. I'm gonna kill myself. (Me too will) it's not like Troy is wrong I am gay. But why did I have to fall for the most stupid boy in the world.

A/N notes
If you have better titles please tell me I'm not great at making those. 😍

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