What it's like traveling on the crux.

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I wake up to a buzzing sound in my ear. Opening my eyes, I see that Scaramouche is gone and my light is turned on. I yawn and start to get up, I search the room for Scaramouche. By the looks of it Scaramouche is already on the deck doing god knows what. I get up and walk out onto the deck only to see Scaramouche talking to Sea Drake. I walk up to them and rest my head on Scaramouche's shoulder. "H-hello Sea Drake," I mutter. "Kazuha, who is this?" He asked. Scaramouhce scoffs. "For the last time, my name is Scaramouche!" I take my head off his shoulder and laugh. "Yes, this is Scaramouche Sea Drake, he is a friend of mine that will travel with us for some time. Don't worry, Beidou got me permission to have him here." He sighs. "Ok then..." Sea Drake then walks away to the wheel. "What's his problem?" Scaramouche asks, with an annoyed tone. "He can get like that sometimes, don't worry, he'll get used to you soon." I point to the breakfast area. "Did you already get some grub?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I don't eat that type of food, Kaedheara."

"We'll You're gonna have to eat that food sometime Scara, we're out at sea, we can't get anything else."

"I'll starve myself then."

"If you do that then I will force you to eat 2 plates of everything they have."

He gulps in surprise. "Fine then, I'm not eating breakfast though."

I walk to the breakfast table and grab some grub, I walk to a table and start eating. Beidou comes and sits next to me. "How are you doing Kazu?" She asks. "I'm doing quite well, has Scaramouche caused any trouble?" Beidou shakes her head. "No, in fact, he is very helpful. Earlier this morning he helped me move around some cargo." I jump in surprise. "Really?" I ask her. "Yep." I take a huge chug of water from my flask. "If you're wondering where we heading, I thought that Inazuma would probably hold some memories to him. We just gotta be careful." I stand up and push my chair in. "I'm done now, see you later Beidou." Before she could say anything to me I walk away. I go to my room where I see Scaramouche reading my old book from Inazuma. Tomo gifted me that book for my 17th birthday. I miss the days we're me and Tomo could be happy together wandering around Inazuma. I guess Scaramouche will be my new Tomo now.

I sit next to him. "You're reading that?" I say. "Do you got a problem with it?" He spits back bitterly. "No, why would I?" I stand up and put my hand on his shoulder. "You in a bad mood today? Usually, you aren't that mad at me." He closes the book and slams it on the table. "What would you know about me and my mood." He says annoyed. I sigh and start to brush his cheek, I can feel the heat coming to his face. Maybe he has a fever? "Your cheeks are hot, you might have a fever." He scoffs for what seems like the millionth time. "Me, sick? You must be kidding!"

"Why are your cheeks burning up then?"


He looks at me. His cheeks were even redder now. "Alright, maybe I do get a fever..." I then pick him up and carry him, earning a gasp from him. "H-hey! What are you doing? You gonna throw me off board Kaedheara?" I laugh at his remarks. "Of course not, I'm gonna go lay you down on my bed, hopefully by the time we get to Inazuma you'll be cured." I lay him down and put the covers on him. "If you get hot just call for me and I'll turn on the fan for you. I'm gonna get you some soup now, you're gonna like it." I go over to the desk and grab the book, I then go back to him and hand the book to him. "You can continue reading now, it's a really good read."

I go out of my room and head over to Beidou, surprisingly she's still at the table. "My friend has a fever," I say. "Now? He seemed fine this morning." "The symptoms must have kicked in now then," I said. She stands up and pushes her chair in. "I'll get the cook to go cook some soup for him, Kazu, please go get the medicine, make sure he stays in your room too." I nod and go down to the supply room. I grab the medicine and head up to my room. Opening the door I set it down at the desk and look at him. "This is medicine for later, You will have it after you finish the soup, no buts." He nods and gets back to reading the book. I go out and see Beidou outside the door with a steaming plate of soup. "I hope he enjoys it, we're out in the middle of the sea so it's not like we have anything better for him," Beidou says. I nod and go back into my room. I carefully put the tray down on Scaramouche's lap and snatch the book from him. "You'll get to read the book more once you finish you're soup and medicine."

He rolls his eyes and grabs the spoon. Slowly he pours the liquid into his mouth, I can tell he's a very messy eater, hasn't even taken 5 sips, and already has soup on his face. I sit down at the desk chair and watch him eat. I watch as his mouth opens and closes, as the soup pours into his mouth and rolls onto his tongue. I don't know why, but I love watching it. I could watch it for hours, but now that I think about it, it's pretty creepy of me. Once he finishes I snap out of my trance and grab the medicine. "Medicine time now, I'll get you water too." I give him the pill and put it in front of his mouth. He slowly opens his mouth and slaps his lips on the pill. He then pulls it into his mouth and swallows it whole. I pat his head. "Good boy!" I say. He visibly cringes.

"Don't do or say that again Kaedheara." He says quickly as if he was rapping. The image of Scaramouche rapping pops up in my head, I can't help but start laughing. "What are you laughing at?" He says. I quickly stop laughing and turn around. "I-I'll get you the water now," I say. When I walk out of the room I see Sea Drake drinking beer. I walk to him and slap it out his head. "You can't be drinking! You gotta go work on the anchor!" I yell. "I- alright..." he wobbles off into the distance. I should tell Beidou, but I don't wanna see my friend get in trouble. Even imagining his sad face looking at me as he gets yelled at makes my heart shatter. I go and grab a bottle of water. I then look at the sky to see it's already become night, what a quick day. I go back into my room and hand the bottle to Scaramouche. "Drink up," I command. He follows and gulps the water down.

"It's becoming night now, so you better get to bed."

"Ok, mom!" He mocks. I giggle a bit. "Alright but seriously now you should get to bed." I lean down to kiss him on the forehead, but he immediately squirms to the other side of the bed. "What do you think you're doing Kaedheara!" He yells. "It's tradition to kiss the sick on the forehead to give them luck and to cure their illness faster. The tradition of the crux." I say.
"Well in that case I'll admit it!"

"Admit what?"

"I'm not sick."

I gasp. He had me going around, being his maid, giving him medicine, for no reason? "Why would you like that? Did you just not want to do any work?" I utter. "It's not like that. I just didn't want to... say the real reason my cheeks were burning." I sit next to him. "Then what was the real reason you're cheeks were burning, trust me, I won't pester you about it too much." He looks down. "It's because I got kind of flustered from you stroking my cheek..." He grabs a pillow and hugs it tightly, how cute. "Alright then, if it bothers you then I won't do it again," I say. I then point to the beanbag. "Since you lied to me though, you sleep on the beanbag!" He smiles. "Ok, mom!" Scaramouche mocks again. He then lays down on the beanbag. I smile and turn off the lights. I get under my covers and immediately doze off after such a day. Tomorrow we should get to Inazuma, or at least get close.

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