"I can't wait until you get to marry your soulmates. I will be right here for you, doing everything I can to make your day just as special." She hugged you again before being called away for more pictures of the family, the bridesmaids and groomsmen being dismissed. While you smiled at your friend, you could feel the tears building.

You wouldn't get that day, and you knew it.

Fate was determined to see you cry, and this only cemented your decision.

By the time you were ready to message them for the last time, you were drunk for courage, and maybe for yourself as you tried to bury your negative thoughts. You sat on the floor in the bathroom stall, listening as women came in and out, talking about their own happiness with their soulmates, wishes for the bride in her own.

Grabbing your phone out of your bag, you clutched it in your hands, fingers slowing typing out the last message you would send before taking your bracelet off.

"If you do actually read this, just know that I am happy for you all. I hope that you feel the happiness that you wish for.

I have decided that this will be the last time I hope to see a notification from you, a message in return saying that you have signed into the app and would like to meet me.

I am sorry if my messages were annoying in any way. You do not need to read them. They probably wouldn't mean anything to you anyways.

I understand that you don't want me, and that is fine. I am used to that. You would know if you read any of the messages I've sent.

I am taking off my bracelet in the morning, the hope I have for the bracelet diminished by the time you read this. If you do ever read this.

I wish you all a lifetime of happiness."

Despite your drunken state, you were proud of how sober you sounded, thanking spell check for keeping everything eligible.

Getting off the floor, you moved from the stall and over to the sink, using the tissues and water to help make your makeup neater than it was seconds ago. You could feel your leg shaking from the amount of time you sat on the floor, your position less than desirable as you tried to make yourself comfortable on the cold, hard ground.

Once you felt more presentable, you decided to say goodbye to your friends, your phone telling you it was past midnight at that point. You also knew you would need your cane soon, the slight limp you had as you walked and the weird feeling in your hip telling you it would shift soon.

It took you a couple of minutes to walk through the crowd of people in the reception hall, but you were glad when you finally spotted Anna and Chris.

"Hye guys. I'm gonna be heading home." You were tugged into a bear hug by Chris, his hold comforting especially after your feelings for the night were less than good. When you pulled back, you pointed your finger at him, eyes narrowed.

"Congrats bro. Remember, this is my best friend and I will hurt you if you hurt her." You joked around, reminding him of the first talk you gave him over six years ago. He just laughed, before hugging you again.

"I hope you guys have a fun time at your honeymoon! Don't forget, my name is extremely cute for babies. Plus, I would be the best godmother slash auntie ever." You grin again, before bringing Anna into your arms, hugging her tight before letting her go.

Once you finish your goodbye's, you finally leave the building, get in your car and head home to your apartment.

Your apartment was small, but it was home. You managed to make the place look comfy and cozy, needing all the comfort you could get. You wanted a pet, but your apartment didn't allow them, and you didn't have the money to get a service animal like your doctor had once suggested.

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