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"Everything is going to plan." Aphrodite smiled as she watched Theseus and Ariadne's interactions, sighing blissfully. Completely unaware of the hero's thoughts.

It would only be a few days before they failed, and another few days before a prayer was sent to the Gods above.

"Please, dear Gods! Save her! Please!" Perseus cried while holding onto Marcellia, the woman brushing his tears away. He held her hand to his cheek, pressing kisses to the palm and muttering prayer after prayer.

"Seus, it's okay." She softly said, clutching her wound. The monster was laid dead a few feet away, the man having killed it in a rage. "We will meet in another life, my love."

"We will." He accepted that no amount of prayers would change her fate, pressing a kiss to her lips as she faded. They faintly glowed pink, Perseus not noticing as he pulled her closer and cried.

"You took pity on them." Zeus spoke up from behind her, Aphrodite humming and watching the mortal scream and cry. "Why not save her?"

"You forbade any interference. I just blessed them." She coldly said, Zeus sighing. She moved before he could place a hand on her shoulder, turning and leaving the room.

Perseus mourned until his death, slaying any monster that came onto their land. He spent every waking hour at Marcellia's grave, praying that she was at peace.

And when he died, they were born again.

And again, one of them died in place of the other. Over and over, a continuous life of love and agony.

"What will you name her?"

"Hmmm. How about Marcellia." Aphrodite perked up from her throne, eyes zeroing in on the ball in her lap.

"She has been born again." The Goddess whispered, the baby opening her golden eyes and gurgling happily. "I thought for sure-"

"What are you doing?" The woman panicked when the man headed towards the door. "Carl, give me my child."

"Carl? Ah, still this form." The...thing chuckled as it changed shape, the woman screaming in horror. Marcellia was quiet, staring curiously at it.

Aphrodite had never wanted to break a rule so bad. She couldn't let this Marciella die as young as the last one. It would lead to Perseus dying young as well, and the world needed the two heroes.

"C- give child." A turn of events. The last mother was paralyzed in fear, this mother... "Give me Marcellia now."

"We can't let the prophecy prevail." The monster's voice echoed, more like multiple people speaking the same thing at slightly different times.

Marcellia wailed when she was dropped, her mother catching her and stabbing the monster with the scalpel she'd grabbed. The woman darted out of the room, down the corridor and to the stairs as the monster howled in pain.

"Ssh sh shh, it's fine. Mommy's gonna get you safe." The woman cried quietly as Marcellia calmed, running out of the hospital and looking around. The Mist had never worked on her, so she saw the two other monsters heading for her. "It's okay, baby."

She slipped through the crowd, praying to Marcellia's other mother for help. And she listened, a clear path towards the woods opening up to her.

"Thank you." She whimpered, pressing a kiss to Marcellia's head and running into the trees. At least she got to hold her child in her arms.

"This is....tragic." Aphrodite covered her mouth but couldn't bring herself to look away, watching as the woman stumbled through the trees. She followed a path only visible to her, soon catching sight of a camp over a hill. "Their story has changed....but not by my hand..."

"HELP!" She cried, following her instincts. She forced herself to run, her only thought being to keep her child safe. A man was seen running towards- or maybe he's not fully man. "Help! Please!"

"Sindra! Hand over the child and spare yourself!" The monster yelled, catching up to her slowly. Sindra took a deep breath, pushing herself forward and turning her head. "HIT THE GROUND!"

Aphrodite had never seen a mortal quite like her. Sindra let out a scream so powerful it knocked a few trees down, monsters that were in the way immediately turning to dust.

Sindra coughed, the use of her power while dehydrated taking its toll on her. But she would push through for her daughter.

She would die for her child.

'And with the new life.
The son of the Sea shall make the daughter
Of Day his wife.
To fix all mistakes,
In their hands lies our fate.'

"I love you, my child." Sindra whispered, pressing another kiss to Marcellia's head. The baby watched as her mother faced the monsters, little eyes widening as she took a deep breath and screamed.

Sindra took strong steps forward, monsters retreating as her scream got more powerful. A single tear dropped from her eye, ignoring the voice in her head yelling for her to stop.

I love you, my Marcellia. Before she could scream again, she disappeared in a poof of gold. The monsters didn't seem to notice her absence, a few of them injured as they left.

Aurora wailed, Chiron wincing as pain shot through his head. He pushed through it, quieting the baby by humming a little song. If he weren't a part of this world, that would've broken his mind.

'A war shall wage on a frosty day,
Leaving the fated a choice to make.
The daughter of Day shall be good or bad,
And the son of Sea shall blindly have her back.'

That was so bad 😭
Anywho, I literally cannot make Prophecies up off the top of my head like that so this is probably all you'll get.
I might make changes to it to make it more ominous, and if I do then the original will be posted at the bottom.

BTW, Marcellia goes by her middle name, Aurora. She got tired of the other kids not saying her first name correctly lol.

Enjoy the book!

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