There was a shortcut there, to where you worked. You slightly bent your knees, looking down at him.

-What happened? – He dropped his head, to which you grabbed his thinning, dirty hair and yanked it back up. – Tell me, old man. – You threatened.

-I saw a lot of cop cars pass by. Not the usual, one patrol. I think something big went down. – He didn't even struggle against your hold, letting his weight be supported by only his hair in your hand.

You dropped him, letting his face bury in the wet cardboard. Stepping around him, you picked up your speed. At the end of the long alley, partially obstructed by the rain, you could see a crowd. There were flashes of light – white, blue and red.

Blue and red?

Your stomach dropped further when you finally made it close enough to hear radio chatter. Before you were countless people with either cameras, or microphones. Their voices merged together deafening you as you pushed through them, uncaring for any yelps or annoying sounds. Your eyes were focused on what was in front of you.

Police vans, which were currently being packed with increasing numbers of people being escorted out of the building. You recognized a few of them – the young man that drove you around, looking frantically around him as the flashed from cameras blinded him. The bald, tall man that you recognized from the basement, held between two officers.

And finally, pathetically slowly shuffling his feet, was the old Scottish man. His cane rhythmically hit against the pavement, while his other side was supported by an officer. They didn't even bother to cuff him like all the other ones. Just for a split second, you felt his dark eyes look into you with a sense of unfamiliar fondness, before he disappeared into the van as well.

It was surreal. You stood in front of the crowd, obstructing their videos and pictures, absolutely frozen; being able to only watch as your world crumbled apart.

-Hey. – You vaguely heard someone call out to you as you continued staring at the people escorted out of the building. There were ambulances too, loaded with black body bags. – Hey, I'm talkin' to you! – Your head snapped at the sound, locking eyes with an officer. He had his eyes narrowed at your form, steadily approaching you. – I told y'all a million times to not step over the line! – He pointed somewhere at the ground, but you couldn't take your eyes off him. – Are you deaf or something

The moment his hand landed on your shoulder, yours gripped it. He looked down to inspect it, his eyes narrowing even more when he saw their state.

-Which channel do you work with?

-I... - You searched for a response, but none came. You were just too shocked to think of an excuse.

The officer wrapped his hand around your upper arm, and began walking you closer to the many vehicles surrounding the building. – I need you to answer some questions for me. – He stood your shocked body next to a patrol car, and bent down to search for something inside.

That moment, something finally snapped in you. Your head whipped around, eyes focusing on the officer's rear. In a last-ditch effort to keep your freedom, you pushed at the man's butt as hard as you could. His face rammed into the seat while you sprinted away.

-Hey, get back here! – You heard him yell behind you, before the radio chatter picked up again while he said some code. Then, the drumming of feet followed you.

Your breath quickened, heart hammering in your chest as you sprinted through the dreary alleyways, jumping over the people that made the pavements their home. You were meant to be strong, not agile. That sent panic into you – soon, you'd run out of breath. And by the sounds of yelling and shoes hitting the ground, you just couldn't stop.

Somebody's watching me | William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now