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Your face kept twitching as you drove through the city's streets; a smile faltering just when it began to rise. It annoyed you to no end – smiling because of someone's actions. Especially due to the fact that you deemed that someone a creep and an asshole.

And yet, the stupid song kept replaying in your head. Unfortunately, your radio was still busted so you couldn't drown out the memory with some other piece of music. You just had to sit there, in silence, mulling over what had just happened. If not for that coffee mishap, he would have surely kissed you. And worst of all, you felt like you wouldn't mind.

Your foot dug into the gas pedal, sending you speeding through the emptying streets. The sun was shining sharply behind you, beginning to paint the sky in a beautiful, orange hue.

Feelings of love were strange to you. Hell, you couldn't recall even liking anyone in your life. Everyone was just annoying background noise; it felt like bad music. Dave used to be like that too – background noise. That was until he decided to become the lead singer in the song that was supposed to be your solo.

Your car hiccupped a few times as you struggled to park it near your apartment complex. It was difficult to control the vehicle, as if it was the first time you drove it.

Sitting in silence, letting your emotions simmer, your hand mindlessly patted down your wet shirt, and slid to your stained pants. You slipped your phone out of your pocket and stared at the blank screen.

How many days has it been?

It felt like years to you. A familiar itch started to build up in your body days ago, when you still tried to ignore it. The need for the rush of adrenaline, for the pain in your muscles and bruised skin. The need to hurt someone; be it yourself or a random victim. You turned your palms around, inspecting your knuckles. The once purple and blue bruises had turned yellow and green, beginning to slowly heal. Even the bright-red cuts were all closed up.

You jumped out of your car as if it was on fire. Not even bothering to look towards your place of residence, you left the complex and headed down the sidewalk with your course set for the more dangerous part of town. No information for so many days made your body shake in anticipation. You wanted- you needed something to happen.

So, you walked through the slowly darkening streets, your mind still half-occupied by your coworker. Maybe if you hurt someone while imagining it was him, you'd forget all about your feelings.

It started to rain, somewhere along your walk. You had just turned the corner, descending into the more industrial, poor part of the town. Tall, dirty buildings loomed around you while cold water droplets stained your hair and clothes. Even though it was summer, you pulled your ripped coat around you as a shiver (maybe one of anticipation) went through your body. The once friendly, untethered faces from your neighborhood turned into sour looks from sickly looking people. Not many roamed the gray streets, and when they spotted that you were around, the activity seemed to die down altogether.

They were like vermin to you – the poor, the drunk, the addicted. To you, it was a sign of weakness. You couldn't fathom the fact that someone might have just been down on their luck and forced to live in the bad part of the town. And they all knew their place when your powerful walk disturbed their everyday activities; when your car appeared on the road.

Just when you got ready to jump up, sure that there was a rat scurrying around your feet, a thin, dirty hand grabbed at your ankle. You looked down to see a man, laying on his side among some cardboard boxes and scraps of material. Your brows furrowed as you went to kick him off.

-Wait, please! – He said weekly, his scruffy beard dipping into a fresh puddle around him. – Something real bad happened. – He jabbed a weak thumb behind him.

Somebody's watching me | William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now