Part 1.

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I'm sorry, but I HATE my family. The only good thing was that they made me, I think.

Although a lot people disagree.

I wonder why.

So, I think my story doesnt starts when I was born, but when I was like... 8 years old?

My father, like every morning, every day, every hour, screamed my name. The poor guy has sometimes a lot anger issues, but I never minded. I mean, its not like I'm always that nice towards people, actually.

Anywho, he called me, and I replied, a bit angry, wich..he did not really like.

I'm not going to say what he did, but believe me, it was terrible. Belts HURT.

Anyways, I went downstairs, and I immediatly was shocked.

I have like, a very big family. Its way to big, actually. I cant believe my father CREATED this.

We lived with one father, a few servants and my twin, two sisters and a other brother in one house. It was a pretty house, but... it was always to busy. Plus, I didnt had  any space. I litteraly couldnt walk somewhere without touching something. It was a disaster. Just like my birth, some people always say.

So, this is was my life before I found out I could do sick stuff with ice because of being a demigod.

How many answers did I gave you now about myself? Well, I'm now 16, almost 17, and I still remember all of those days in my past.

They werent very good memories.

I can promise you that. And yes, I keep my promises. ( Almost always).

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