
Light:"There's something I haven't told you."

'Maki':"What is it?"

Light put his best acting skills on in front of 'Maki'.

Light:"It's impossible to contact anyone directly in headquarters."


Light:'I have to conduct this conversation naturally and connect it to something that she'll latch onto. Within that time, I'll draw out her name. I can do this.'

'Maki':"What do you mean?"

Light:"Don't you think it's odd that there's no one at headquarters?"

'Maki':"Y-yeah. I thought it was strange, but..."

Light:"The team investigating Kira is structured so that no one knows who is involved. If the public knows how the team is structured, a tragedy like the one involving your fiancé may happen again."

'Maki':"...I understand"

Light:"That's why you were told that no one was at the headquarters. In other words, you will never be allowed to talk directly to someone from headquarters."

Ryuk:"That's pretty clever, as always, Light."

'Maki':"Why do you know so much?"

Ryuk:"She's pretty sharp."

Light:"I guess I have no choice. It's because I'm a detective from tue task force."

'Maki':"You're a detective from the task force?"

Light:"Yes. L is currently in charge of the task force."

'Maki':"Yes, I thought so."

Light:"L was troubled there weren't enough detectives at headquarters. Many quit because they're afraid of Kira. I'm just a high-school student,but I have helped the police solve two cases in the past."

'Maki':"So he was sold by that?"

Maki seemed to remember something and seemed to light up with joy and hope a bit as she asked the following.

'Maki':"Wait, what about the other boy that was at the headquarters before you? The guy behind the counter sounded like he knows the boy. I suppose he, too, have solved a few cases before? Does he work with the task force to stop Kira too?"

Lights eyes narrowed a bit in suspicion.

Light:"I don't know for sure but I do think there might be a chance that he solved a few cases. Though he isn't with the task force. You did hear what he said; he's busy studying."

Maki seemed to deflate a bit as she hear those words. Only a little though.

Light:'Does Y/n and her have some connections of some sort?'

'Maki':"I guess that makes sence."

Light:"Back to the topic; I can enter the headquarters whenever I wish, and I'm allowed to investigate on my own. In other words, the people who are currently at headquarters are the chosen few whose abilities are reliable and who can be trusted."

A small silence fell over the two with Ryuk's chuckes in the background.

'Maki':"I understand. But just incase, I think I'll visit the headquarters. Thank you very much."

Light:"P-Please wait! I just told you that you can't talk to anyone."

'Maki':"I would like to talk directly to L."

Light slightly looked up to see the headquarters were nearby.

With the Investigators:

L:"Come to think of it, who's at headquarters now?"

Mr Yagami:"No one is there now."

L:"That's not good. Have at least one person there at all times."

F/n:"Told ya Mr Yagami.~ Aizawa, you can go for the first shift."

F/n lazily spoke to the two of them. He was still in the chair with his chin on his hand and his elbow on the arm of the single couch. He had a very bored expression on his face.

Mr Yagami:"*sigh* Understood, Ryuzaki."

Aizawa excuses himself to go back to headquarters.

L:"F/n, what did you mean with your statement before Aizawa left?"


Thank you
for you patience
Also, introducing
F/n and M/n!

Thank youfor you patienceeveryone!Also, introducingF/n and M/n!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Remember: F/n and M/nare caracters that youcan 'design' yourself

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Remember: F/n and M/n
are caracters that you
can 'design' yourself.

So the hair, skin tone,
eye colour, and so forth,
You make it up.
The height of a character
is controlled by me,
for example.)

(Not my art work,

Hope you have a great
Stay safe!

1201 words

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