James' Elimination (Jaiden Fluff)

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Requested By: MYSELF!! Because why not? And I know you fuckers love Jaiden (including me)

A/N: This is set in Episode 04: Truth Hurts. We're also gonna ignore how James betrayed Aiden, so they're both still "totally platonic bros". I also added in a trivia question that Kristal asks that wasn't in the episode.

Third Person POV

The two teams had gathered onto the seats that were hovering above the water for the challenge that they must face today. Aiden and James sat next to each other as always, since they were closer with each other than with the other campers.

"Welcome to the world's most embarrassing and humiliating trivia challenge," Kristal announced to the teams.

Riya used her advantage to swap Rosa María and Yul. Aiden was nervous about Yul now being on the same team as him, and worried that he would get the other team members to vote him out. James, on the other hand, didn't appear to mind.

Kristal started calling out embarrassing secrets, and the teams would click the red buttons in front of them if the secret was theirs. Eventually, a typically personal question popped up.

"Orange Team. Who here is secretly bisexual?" Kristal asked.

As everyone began to look at each other to decipher who it was, Aiden noticed a particularly nervous expression on James' face. James had frozen up, as if the question petrified him inside. That's when Aiden finally realised that it was James' secret, and he wasn't intent on owning up to it. 

Yul and Lake noticed how he was acting as well, and got the hint. 

"Ten seconds," Kristal announced which soon turned into "5 Seconds."

Nobody clicked the red button, and Kristal shook her head disappointedly. She turned to face the other team and explained that whoever owned up to the next question, made that team win. Of course, Green Team won the challenge, while Orange Team was sent off to their cabin, awaiting the elimination ceremony.

Aiden had gotten slightly distracted while walking back, and ending up falling rather behind. Quickly, he found his way to the cabin. That's when he heard people talking from behind it. Curious, he snuck over to the side of his team's cabin and eavesdropped in on the conversation.

"James made us lose that challenge, I say we vote him off. If he's making this team lose, why should we have him here?" Yul spoke.

"I suppose he did make us lose, but perhaps we should give him another chance? The question was really personal, so I don't blame him for not wanting to answer," Lake reasoned.

"That doesn't matter. He's just dead weight now, which will bring the team down. James has to go."

Aiden heard Lake sigh before agreeing.

"Great," Yul laughed. "Make the giant vote for him too."

"Don't speak about Maggy like that, or I won't vote for James," Lake spoke irritatedly. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just go talk to her already."




"Everyone has gone into the voting booth and has put a name in this urn," Kristal said. "The person with the most votes must leave the camp, get on the losers' bus, and mayy never return."

First Vote: Yul

Second Vote: James

Third Vote: James

Aiden saw James take on a confused expression with a hint of worry. If he had received one more vote, he would be eliminated from Disventure Camp.

Forth Vote: Yul

"That's two votes for Yul, two votes for James," Kristal announced. "And the person who will be leaving Disventure Camp is . . ."

The air was tense. Yul looked overly confident, while James began to feel anxious. If he gets eliminated, he won't be able to return. And lastly, he won't be able to hang out or talk with Aiden until after the show.


Aiden gasped slightly and swiftly moved his gaze towards James who was now standing up from the tree stump seat. James looked back, saddness overwhelming his eyes, but still smiling ever so slightly.

James and Aiden walked out of the camp grounds together and waited for the Bus of Losers to arrive so they could say their goodbyes. In this moment, James looked towards Aiden once more, their faces rather close, but inching closer with each second.

Eventually, Aiden slightly tilted his head to the right and was greeted with the sensation of a kiss. This lasted a few seconds before they both pulled back and smiled at each other. They hugged before the bus arrived.

"Win this game, Aiden. I believe that you can do it," James encouraged, giving Aiden a whole new motive to win.

"Goodbye, I love you, and I'll see you when the show finishes," James said.

"I love you too, James."

He got onto the bus and took his seat, looking at Aiden through the window next to him. They smiled at each other again before the bus drove into the distance.

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