
36 1 7

hi y'all.
this is it! the end. a solid two months of work put into this fic, and now it's done. wow. bittersweet!!!

i hope you all enjoyed the ride! it was so much fun to write. also, this is the first fic i've actually planned out and developed in depth. thanks a lot inside job for consuming my life! specifically regron. never recovering from that last scene, thanks a lot netflix.

so, where do we go from here? well, the deal is, i am not quite ready to leave this fic behind. i still have to edit it for my ao3 account (floorsuspendingabyss) as I plan to post a remastered version on there! because of that, however, i will not be writing on wattpad anymore. but. BUT. if anyone is interested in POV rewrites for specific chapters, i will write those and leave them exclusively on wattpad!! either leave a comment or a DM on what chapter/character you want and I'll get to it.

oh also if y'all have any questions or whatever the above also applies.

i do plan to crosspost longer fics on here when i make them! but until then, thank you all so, so much for tuning in.

so long (for now),

P.S. y'all. I completely forgot, but there is a comic of this in the works that someone is currently making. It'll be posted on their Instagram, @ B3aniegirl .

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