Chapter 4: Broken

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|Blaza's POV|

"Did you find it yet Meme?"

I asked him while hiding from the cameras behind a blueprint display.


He was flying around in the whole museum, phasing in and out of walls with no trouble. Meanwhile, I was looking for the thing in the blueprints display while I was trying to make sure I won't get caught.

The bots really thought making a whole blueprint section in the museum was interesting?!


Meme announced and floated back towards me.

"I think I found what we were looking for. It's actually at the junk isle, found an awfully suspicious door. I can't go through the door because it has snow."

"You mean just salt?"

I eyes him and questioned why he referred salt as snow.

"Look, it's embarrassing that I can't go near small dusted minerals ok?"

Meme confessed, clearly annoyed about the topic.

"I remember touching salt, I know how it feels like, I know what it is, I know how it tastes even!"

He started rambling.

"I guess that's what you get for being a ghost, how did you die anyway?"

I asked, but instantly regretted it when Meme turned his head around and shot me a cold look that made me jump.

"Oh right, no personal questions..."

I mumbled under my breath.


"Apology taken. Now, let's go! We're wasting way too much time talking."

Meme already phased through a wall and went to the junk isle in the museum. I didn't get a chance to tell him that we were slow because he started rambling about salt.

Why does he always leave me alone like this anyway?

If I could punch Meme in the face, I would. Just so he can feel how it's like to always have to keep your guard up and worry about getting killed all the time. But what can I do? He's a ghost.

I checked on how much oxygen I had left. There was a meter on the tank, and it said that there was almost about a quarter of air left.

I had to move quick.

I took out the small map I 'borrowed' from earlier and started to head to the junk isle carefully.

- - - -

I was now looking at the thing that I was looking for. The thing was a old splintered picture frame with some signatures of people's names. It didn't look much but there was something else special to it. The frame's edges was embedded in salt, making the artifact sparkle and glitter. I took out a blue spray can attached to my belt and shook it before spraying on the frame.
An alarm to the museum immediately went off once the frame touched the paint of the spray. I quickly sprayed the rest of the thing and blew on it.
It revealed a message that said: "WestFern Park" with a marking of a five pointed star besides it.

Good, another clue.

"Uhhh, I think we gotta go Blaza!"

Meme yelled from the other side of the vast room.

Imperfections (FoolishCrew AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя