Secrets! Chapter 1

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Epilogue: Misaki is 15 years old she has had a rough child hood. She has been in the foster home for 6 years because her house got on fire and her family died she was the only one who survived. Misaki finds a home and meets new people but she finds out they all know her brother, Akihiko-kun, and finds out he has dangerous secrets! Will she find out his secrets? Will she get hurt?

Descriptions of symbols: the stars * * =  talk to them selves in there head and what they do

[ ] = is the signs for where they are

( ) = there actions

Chapter 1: The New Life

Misaki: *I have been in this stupid foster home for 6 years. I hate it here, I just wish it can go back to the way it was. I mostly miss my brother its not the same without him. How was I the only one who survived? I inhailed so much smoke just like my brother Kurosaki-kun died in the hospital. I was in the other room with the cops and I was only nine until the nurse came and said he was gone thats when I came here*

(Etsumi, foster mother, yells up the stairs)

Etsumi: Misaki what are you doing up there? Are you cleaning up like I told you to?

Misaki: Yes Takahashi-san!

Etsumi: Well hurry up and while you do that pack up all your stuff and come down stairs with it.

(Misaki walks down stairs)

Etsumi: Misaki this is Akira your new mother and Tanaka your aunt.

Akira: Hello Misaki I'm delighted to meet you I have been waiting for this day!

Tanaka: Oh my goodness you are cuter up close then in pictures I can just squeeze you!

(Tanaka gives Misaki a tight hug)

Etsumi: Well are you going to say hello Misaki?

(Misaki bows)

Misaki: Hello Akira-san and Tanaka-san nice to meet you please take care of me

Akira: Of course

(Akira smiles)

Etsumi: Well did you get everything?

(Misaki nods)

Etsumi: Have fun with Misaki I hope it goes all well for you!

(She waves while they enter the car)

[In the car]

Akira: So Misaki whats your last name?

Misaki: Kobayashi

Tanaka: What kind of question is that Akira? You sound like a cop.

Akira: Shut up Tanaka I can ask what ever I want.

Tanaka: What ever you say sour princess


(Misaki giggles and Tanaka and Akira look back)

Tanaka: Your giggle is adorable!

(Misaki stares)

Tanaka: ughh... well how old are you?

Misaki: 15

Tanaka: Oh so a sophmore?

Misaki: Well technaclly yes but ever since I came to the foster home when I was nine I been home schooled.

Secrets!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora