chapter 23

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"princess?" i hear colton holler as the front door closes.

i smile in my hiding spot and wait for him to come into the bedroom.

"sweetheart?" he says confused and i hear him walking down the hallway. "kingsley i know you're here, your cars outside."

i hear him walk into the bedroom and i can see his shoes as i lay under the bed. when he walks close enough to the bed and i reach out and grab his ankle. he screams and jumps away and drops whatever he was holding and runs backwards into the wall away from the bed.

i begin laughing and crawl out from under the bed and he smiles at me. he wraps his arms around my waist and throws me on the bed. he then leans down and kisses me and it says all that i needed to know. i missed you.

"did you have a good day? how was work?" i ask when he pulls away.

"it was fine, mostly just going over stuff for the new house." he shrugs and i smile hugging him.

"you scream like twelve year old girl." i tell him and he pushes me off of him.

"shut up, that wasn't very nice of you." he gets off the bed and walks into the closet and i stare as he removes his shirt. he then bends down untying his shoes and he glances over at me. "i can feel your eyes on me."

"that's cause i'm staring stupid." i say and he laughs. he kicks off his shoes and then undoes his belt and then takes off his jeans. he puts on a pair of sweats and comes back to the bed.

"i wrote you something last night." he says smiling. he had been in a much happier mood since our messing around three nights ago. we hadn't been alone since that night though because he had been at my house so all my brother were there. tonight though, i made an effort to come over and see him.

"you did?" i smile sitting up on the bed. he nods and picks up the guitar and sits on the floor and stares down at it. he then slowly begins strumming it with hesitation. i could tell he was nervous again so i quietly wait.

"darling, i would break my heart. if it was gonna make yours whole. i would rip myself apart, if it was gonna heal your soul." he begins singing and i stare at him kinda confused. the lyrics weren't bad but they weren't exactly good either.

"woke up and I panicked for a moment. forgot that you told me that you had to go, and i'm scared but i don't wanna show it." he slowly sings.

"feels like it's been weeks but it's only been days and i'm slowly losing all my self-control. there's only one thing i can say, it's 'i could spend forever always loving you, but if i let you go would you be happier?'" he continues not looking at me anymore.

"darling I would break my heart, if it was gonna make yours whole. i would rip myself apart, if it was gonna heal your soul." he repeats.

"i would pick up all the pieces, i don't need a million reasons oh, to break my heart for yours. i'll be lying if i said that it'd be easy, to realize that i wouldn't have you by my side but i'd do it if that's what you needed. i say that i could let you go and i pray i never have to know, you'll always be the one i love the most."

"darling, i would break my heart. if it was gonna make yours whole. i would rip myself apart, if it was gonna heal your soul. i would pick up all the pieces, i don't need a million reasons oh, to break my heart for yours. i could spend forever always loving you but if I let you go, would you be happier?" he finally looks at me as he continues singing.

"darling i would break my heart, if it was gonna make yours whole. i would rip myself apart if it was gonna heal your soul. i would pick up all the pieces i don't need a million reasons oh, to break my heart for yours. for yours." he slowly stops singing and playing the guitar and i stare at him in shock. he slowly sets it down and i get off the bed wrapping my arms around him.

he picks me up and walks to the bed sitting down with me in his lap. he moves my hair from my face and holds me as i bury my head in his neck.

"i don't want anyone else." i mumble to him and he holds me tighter remaining quiet. i place a kiss on his cheek carefully since i wasn't sure if it was still sore from his dad's actions. he buries his head in my neck and holds me against him as i hold him back just as tight.

"i started that, the first night in my apartment alone, when you went back home, i missed you and started really doubting myself. then i worked on it a little when i called things off between us, again because i was having doubts with myself. i finished it last night just because i had the time to do so." he explains quietly.

"i don't want you doubting yourself. i wouldn't be happier with anyone else, im so happy with you colt. im beyond happy, here, in your arms, in your apartment, with you." i tell him.

"i know that, i know you're happy but i just... i don't know. maybe i'm insecure. maybe i don't always like myself. i don't know, but i always overthink the night after you leave. it's unhealthy, i'm working on that in therapy as well." he says and i nod.

"can we address an elephant in the room?" i ask and he looks confused. "in every song we've written we've both said how in love we are. i keep thinking about it and i know they're just songs but-"

"you'll always be the one i love the most." he repeats and i nod. "i mean it but i don't expect you to say it back. we aren't even officially together but i want you to know how i feel-"

"i love you colton." i interrupt him. he stops talking and stares at me in shock. "don't look at me like that, i don't know why you're so shocked."

"because i'm a mess and you're so together all the time." he says but i shrug.

"maybe i like how hectic it is all the time." i tell him and he smiles.

"only you'd say that." he says and i smile. i lean forward and kiss him quickly before standing up.

"let's go eat i'm starving." i say dramatically as i drag him out of the room.

"you most definitely don't know what starving is." he comments and i glare at him over my shoulder.

"shut up." i tell him and open the freezer grabbing the pizza rolls.

"i love you." he says again smiling.

"i love you meanie." i say and he laughs. he wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my cheek before reaching over me and preheating the oven.

i grab a tray and then dump most of the pizza rolls on it. i could only eat about ten but colton would eat the whole bag if i made all of them.

while the oven preheats i wrap my arms around him again. we're friends when we're at my house with my brothers but when we're here, we're together just like a normal couple.

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