Vish: What are you doing in my room?

Mahir: As if you don't enter my room! Atleast I knock before I enter

Vish: hey, you are my small brother, and I can enter your room anytime I want, without knocking unless Bela is in (giggles)

Mahir:  There you go again. I am here to talk to you, not about me. ... see I know there is a lot of pressure but that doesn't mean you need to marry anyone Vish just like that.  I wish you loved someone instead of being here in a mess

Vish: Even i'm saying the same Mahi ... Don't wait, tell her before its too late.

Mahir: We are just friends Vish

Vish: I knew that you liked her the moment she set her foot on this house. That day I saw my little boy rushing to room to change his trousers into pants (laughs). I can be wrong too , I cant read minds Mahi, but you can read yours. Be true to yourself, and don't worry about me, just go and talk to mom.

All that Vish told me echoed in my thoughts every second, I opened my room and saw the room color, all peach with lavender curtains, white cupboards and floral bed sheets. My room looked just like how Bela wanted her room to be, mine was just a reflection of it.  That moment gave me an energy to propose to Bela, I texted her quickly to meet at a park nearby her house.

That park is actually a old paddy field that was turned into a commercial ground, and now a place where people walk, jog, and post late night a party spot. The place was losing light  soon because of winter, and most of the available lights were swallowed by standing long trees and bushes.  Bela came pretty late, literally pretty even in her night dress, a kurthi and pant. She waved at me, I was supposed to wave back as an acknowledgement, but at this rate of nervousness I wont be able to move my fingers.

Bela: Mahi, Did you wait long ?

I stood there for the last one hour killing a dozen of mosquitos, witnessed two teenagers kissing, cuddling , wondering how they do that so confidently when I shutter speaking to Bela. But the moment she called me mahi, everything melted like a caramel. She calls me mahi only when she finds me lovable else i'm just Mahir or no one.

Mahir: No, I came just now ( big fat lie)

Bela: You know my mom (citing reason for being late, but that was not the only reason. Being late is part of her living), so what can we do today?

Mahir: I want to tell you something

My hands were in my pocket searching for something, no ... no it was not searching for a ring or a rose or a letter, it was looking for a handkerchief

Bela: Nervous?  Did someone propose you today? ( laughs her heart out)

Mahir: What?? Why would I be nervous about that?

Bela: Vish di told me that you  once cried when your classmate proposed you

Mahir: That was in 2nd standard, I was a child back then  and i was worried about my studies

Bela : You are no different now ... cutie(Damn it Vish, she has spoiled my image of lover boy, now im a mere cute baby )

Mahir: No, I  wanted to tell you that I.... ( thuddd a loud sound )

Thudd!!! Thuud!!! was the sound ....  i  touched my cheeks , no they weren't mine. I was still unharmed and standing sound before Bela, the sound was coming behind us. We both quickly went behind to check who was doing that.  There were two school kids whom I was jealous of a few hours ago, not anymore, they were caught by Neil uncle. And that was the sound  of slap that each one got from him, now I feel bad for those kids. He is now going to call their parents, and the father will be the next one to get the slap. Seeing that Bela got upset, I could risk myself with a slap as she is Neil uncles daughter . Btw Neil uncle is a orthodox guy when it comes to love marriages.

We walked back to her home with a disappointment,

Bela: I'm sorry , you were about to tell me something

Mahir: No, It can wait

Bela: ok

The Thing I love about Bela is she would never compel me to tell something, but sometimes I wish she had asked me one more time. She doesn't text me often, she doesn't call me but ,a "hey" from her energizes me. If she is asking me , "wanna meet?", that means she wants to meet me.  If she is asking me , "are you at home or office?" , that means she is missing me. She is not very good at expressing her feelings but some I do understand.  I understand her comfort, her liking's but I'm not sure if she loves me.

On my way back to home, I got a call from Ajitab, my manager or my buddy. He has visited home twice as he had some work on way, It was good having him here. He is funny, plus matured at the same time which makes him a great manager.

Mahir: Hello Ajitab, I'm not going to work even if you give me an increment

Ajitab: Hey drama queen, I didnt call you for work

Mahir: Is it, then what is this about?

Ajitab: Just checking if you reached home, and how are things at home?

Mahir: You are checking me after 2 days? Its Sunday today, I left on friday. Anyway, at home... things are not so bright, lets talk on monday i have so much frustration to take out.

Ajitab: Anyway , there is a 4 pm call on monday that I have forwarded, make sure you join it. Its very important.

Mahir: Okey,

Ajitab: yaar, one more thing, the clients production is down... please fix it man.... yaar you are the only one the client trusts with

Mahir : again .... now who is the drama queen?

Ajitab: Its me, you can call me like that, but fix the issue man. btw don't call me like that before Vish. ( I was puzzled for a moment)

Mahir : whatever, send me the link...

I reached home and saw a message from bela

Bela: Are you going to leave today itself or tomorrow?

She wants me to leave tomorrow and not tonight.

Mahir: I was thinking of taking off tomorrow,

Bela: oh great, then lets go to that coffee place, I have booked.

A smile grew on my face looking at her way of  expressing.


That was one more chapter in Behir life, please leave your feedback

As we move on, we will have more behir scenes

Any feedback, pls leave it in the comments anf if you like the story do vote, it encourages me.

BTW, if you guys know how to add this ff to behir ff group, it would be great

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