Chapter 2 - Part Five: Secrets Revealed

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It was as if time stopped. All I remember was the kiss, Tyler saying he loves me, then the explosion. I don't know how long I sat there on my knees, staring at the door, hoping Tyler would walk through. I could see Fire and Rescue through my peripheral vision, helping the other students who were injured.

Tyler's dad was going through the rubble, hoping to find any trace that Tyler survived. I finally snapped out of it and walked up behind him, watching as he pulled the final pieces out of the way. If I had any tears left they would've continued, seeing a burn spot in the ground where Tyler was, no trace of him left. I could hear his dad crying and did what I thought I never would. I hugged him. He was hurting as much as I was. He was surprised but hugged me back, our shared sorrow on display for everyone to see, but for the first time in my life, I didn't care.

The EMT looked me over and gave me a few bandages here and there. I looked over and saw the carnage caused by the masked man. Xavier's hand was in a cast, Bianca and the rest of the sirens had concussions, the werewolf students were still recovering. Then there was Enid. She had multiple bandages and a cast on her leg. Ajax was next to her, making sure she was okay. Once she made eye contact with me, she ran over as fast as she could and hugged me. I held her tight and didn't wanna let go.

"I'm so sorry Wednesday."

"I-" I couldn't bring myself to say anything. She understood and didn't push the subject. We sat there holding each other for a while. Eventually everyone was told to go back to Nevermore, a city wide curfew was now in effect. Before we left I made sure to catch Tyler's dad.

"Found these in the mayor's office. I don't know if it's him but he's involved." He took a quick look through the files, making it to Tyler's. He wiped his eyes again, looked at the mayor then arrested him. He deserves it.

Weems made an announcement that all students get on the bus to Nevermore. The ride was quiet, no one saying a word. The silence is occasionally broken by a cough or groan of pain. I didn't really acknowledge anyone or anything on my way back to the dorm.

I stopped at Tyler's room, looking at all of his stuff, his mementos and clothes strewn about. I sat on his bed and stared at the wall, trying to find a way I could've stopped him from dying. But I knew it didn't matter if I did. He was gone and not coming back. I stood up, about to head back to my room when something fell from underneath Tyler's pillow. I picked it up and it was a polaroid. A picture of him and I when he took me took me to a nice cabin by a lake during the summer. He told me his mother and father used to take him there to get away from everything. It was the most perfect day. Just Tyler and I. No one else. I put the picture in my pocket and jumped when I heard a knock on the doorframe. I looked over to see Ajax and Enid at the door.

"We didn't mean to disturb you. We can go if you need more time?" I shook my head, wiping my eyes quickly.

"No. I'm alright." They tried to talk to me again but I walked by and went back to our dorm. I sat on the bed, not knowing what to do.

The next few days I sat in that exact spot. Not moving, eating or saying anything. I've experienced loss before but nothing that has made me as hollow and empty as losing the only boy I've ever loved. Enid had come by and sat with me a few times, just to keep me company. Even Tyler's dad came by. He mentioned the funeral would be this afternoon. I nodded solemnly and started getting ready.

He picked me up outside Nevermore and we drove to the graveyard where Tyler's mom was buried. Everyone was there, dressed in black. Weems, Enid, Ajax, Bianca, Xavier, Yoko and the rest of Nevermore. Even Travis and his friends. At any other funeral I would've made them leave but I just didn't have the energy. No coffin was being lowered as there was no body. 

Darkness and Love: A Wednesday x Tyler StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz