𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘹𝘪𝘹.

Start from the beginning

Jack came and sat next to her, not touching her, just simply craving the need to be near her.

No matter how annoyed he was with the outcome of what happened at Jack and Matthew's, Harper was his wife at the end of the day, he would always love her.

"What happened tonight?"

Harper jumped, not realising that Jack had sat down next to her, and pushed the hair out of her face so she could get a better look at him.

He hadn't left her.

He was there, right in front of her.

All the thoughts of him lacking a bag and walking out of the door had faded, he was right where he was supposed to be.

Where they all needed to be.

As a family.

"I...I wanted...to tell you..."Harper made her voice known, although it came out croaky seeing as she hadn't used it since they left there friends house.

The car ride back had been silence, except for Arthur's little babbles, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

"We're you trying to get me fired?"Jack brought his finger up to his face and played with his bottom lip. "—is that what you and Alice wanted? For both me and Matthew to lose our jobs? For me to stop producing for us? For our family?"

Harper felt her eyes gloss over. "— sweet boy...I need...I need...you"

All Jack's previous thoughts of trying to contain his anger had flown out of the window, he looked over at his wife, his face set in a scowl. "The both of you went to oasis? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

Harper felt a tear roll down her cheek as she leaned forward, grabbing ahold of his left hand, her skin coming in contact with the gold wedding ring on his finger, she made him look at her. "—we saw a plane crash...when I was pregnant I walked to get help because I saw a plane crash, because I'm a decent human...I don't remember much except the fact that the same day I you found me on the sofa..."

A look of realisation crossed over Jack's features, his eyes going wide. "That was months ago! How could you possibly think that it was a god idea to hide that from me? We could have lost Arthur because of your stupidity, the heat and you passing out could have caused you and us so many problems...I can't..."

"I never intentionally wanted to place our sweet baby's life in danger"Harper caressed his hand. "— but ever since then it's like whatever world we're in is falling apart, Alice keeps telling me that Frank is trapping us here and after what happened tonight and the harsh words he spoke to us I'm starting to agree"

Jack threw his head back, soft breaths falling from him hips. "Sweet girl...sweet girl..."

"What is it that you all actually do at Oasis?"Harper gains enough courage to ask, blinking continuously to stop herself from crying even more. "— just please tell me what they do...I promise I won't tell anyone..."

"I don't know. I don't know what they do"Jack tells her, "no one does, we all have a specific role, but we don't..."

Harper, having had enough grabbed ahold of Jack's neck, bringing him in closer so there foreheads could rest against each other. "Please sweet boy....I wouldn't be saying any of this if I didn't think it was true...you have to believe me....remember our vows?"

𝓐𝐬 𝓘𝐭 𝓦𝐚𝐬 | jack chambersWhere stories live. Discover now